She smiled at me and took a sip of her amber ale. It was a lovely beer garden with tables scattered around in random spots, making me think that people had moved them for their own purposes and the establishment didn’t care. There was music playing softly in the background that added to the easy, relaxed vibe without being overbearing. They didn’t have their own food but had two food trucks sitting outside if people wanted to order anything. Natalie had gone to the Mexican place and gotten lobster nachos while I had ordered a pulled pork sandwich.

“And does the situation call for it here?” she asked.

“We are at a brewery that is in stumbling distance to our hotel. I think it more that calls for it. Do you not like to drink?”

“There are few things that I don’t like to do. I enjoy drinking among many other vices.”

I eyed her slowly as I took a drink of my IPA. I wasn’t sure if she was aware of the double meaning in her words but when she raised her eyebrows at me, I knew she did. “Good to know. What do you like to drink?”

“Moonshine,” she said and I laughed.

“Of course, you would. How am I not surprised you would like the drink that’s probably illegal.”

“It isn’t illegal but I’m not sure how legal it is either. Have you ever tried it?”

“No, but I didn’t know I could. How did you even find it? Do you have a dealer or something?”

“It isn’t a drug, but yes, I do know someone. He and his family make it in their backyard in North Carolina and he comes out to California a few times a year to visit friends and do a delivery.”

“I think that might be illegal,” I stated.

“Not my problem. I’m not the one doing it. He technically doesn’t charge me for it, more like he asks for a donation to his charity.”

“The charity of him?”

“Exactly,” Natalie said and finished her beer.

“I get the impression you’ve met some interesting people in your travels. Do you keep in touch with any of them?” I asked.

“Depends on the person and how it all works out. Some I want to keep in touch with, some want to keep in touch with me. I always make sure that they’re doing it because they want to be friends with me, not because they can get something out of me.”

“Does that happen often?”

I had never thought about how it was for Natalie being a semi-famous person. We hadn’t gotten recognized while we were on your trip but I knew there were times when she was working on a show and people would come up to her. I thought it would be something she would like. I never stopped to think about how it might bother her that people wanted something from her.

“More often than it should but not as often as you would think. Does that make sense?” She asked and thanked the woman who delivered her food and another beer to her. She sat back as if she was waiting for my food to arrive but I motioned for her to go ahead and she did.

“It shouldn’t happen at all but of course it’s going to because people will do that. I’m sorry you have to even deal with people expecting something from you because of who you are,” I said.

“There are certain things you have to accept and understand as being a part of the job. There are perks that I have. I enjoy those as I’m sure everyone has with their job. Consequently, there are some things that are more annoying, being asked for favors or to give my time when I’m not working is one of them. I understand it.”

“Does it ever bother you? Is it ever too much?”

“Sometimes. You take the good with the bad. I have traveled the country, seen the most amazing things, and had the time of my life. Who wouldn’t be happy having done that?”

“True, and are you?” I asked.

“I was, I think I could be again. It’s different and hard to think of doing the show without Kevin. But nothing stays the same. I knew that, I thought I understood it, but I’ve come to realize in the last few weeks I didn’t have any clue.”

“What do you mean by that?” I asked as I leaned back as my food arrived.

“If someone would have told me a month ago that you and I would not only be sitting and having dinner together but that we would be having a good time and moving towards being friends, I would have said they were crazy.”

I laughed and took a bite of my sandwich. It was meaty and full of flavor. When I could, I said, “That’s true. It’s the last thing that I would have ever thought too. But is that what we are? Are we friends?”

It was a loaded question and I knew it but one that I needed to ask. I wanted to be friends with her. I enjoyed the friendship we had started and I wanted it to grow, but I wanted more than just a friendship. I think she did too.

“I would like to think we are. I like spending time with you. I never thought I would say that but I’ve seen a different side or sides of you these last few days.”