“Exactly. Which is why I’m not sure why you are even doing this.”

“Because I love her, I want to be with her. I know she loves me and wants to be with me too. I just need to convince her of that fact.”

“Stalker much?” Craig asked.

“I’m not stalking her. I’m going to prove to her how great we are and that we are meant to be together. She doesn’t want to believe that I can be the man she needs, but I’m going to prove it to her.”

“By doing some ridiculous scavenger hunt?”

“She needs something big, something over the top. Something that she thinks I would never do for her. This is going to be it.”

“I think you’re crazy but if you think it will help then go for it. I don’t see how any woman is worth that much trouble but to each his own,” he said shaking his head.

“One day, you’re going to find a woman who makes your life complete. Who you can’t imagine your life without and you’ll be singing a different tune.”

“I doubt that will ever happen.”

“I’ll remember you said that. Are you going to help me or are you going to just sit there and give me shit?” I asked.

“How about I do both?” he teased.


I went back to looking at the board. I wanted to show Natalie all the places that we had worked through the years and how much they had meant to me. I wanted her to see that I could be as adventurous and spontaneous as she was or as she needed me to be. And when she got finished with the hunt, she would see me standing there, waiting for her.

I had some of the clues and how I wanted it to go down figured out but it wasn’t perfect. Something was missing, but I didn’t know what it was. I had called Craig over, hoping that he would help me. I should have known he wouldn’t be keen on the idea.

He had seen me when I had first gotten back from the trip, how wrecked I was over everything. He had never been a fan of Natalie when we were at each other’s throats. He was even less of a fan now that she had broken my heart.

I considered it a temporary occurrence. She was scared, she was worried, she was protecting herself. All things I could understand. I wanted her to see that she didn’t need to do those things. We had seen how great we were together and we would only grow with that as our lives mingled together.

I had called, texted, sent flowers, trying to get Natalie to talk to me and there had been nothing. I had hoped that I would hear from her after I saw her mother and told her we were back. I had been surprised when I found out Natalie wasn’t talking to her mother either or at least hadn’t told her she was home. It made me think that she hadn’t wanted to talk to her mother and tell her what happened. I had hoped her mother would convince her to talk to me, but that had been two days ago.

“Dude, there’s someone at your door,” Craig said from the doorway.

I had been staring at the board for a good ten minutes and had almost forgotten that he was there. “Can you answer it? It’s probably just a delivery or something.”

“Oh, it’s a delivery all right but you need to take it.”

“Seriously, dude. Can’t you get it?” I asked.

“Nope,” he said and walked away from me.

I shook my head as I went to answer the door but as soon as I opened it I understood why. Natalie was standing there, looking as sexy and beautiful as ever. At first, I thought I was imagining her there but then she smiled and said, “Hello.”

“Hey. You’re here. Hi. Um. It’s good to see you. How have you been? I mean, why don’t you come in,” I said.

She laughed at me and it was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard. She could see how nervous I was and was trying to make me feel better. It was just one of the many things that I loved about her. I hoped that I got to show her every day for the rest of our lives just how much I loved her.

Natalie came in and I followed her, Craig had made himself scarce as I didn’t see him anywhere. I was glad for the privacy but I was just so happy that Natalie was there in my living room looking like she wanted to talk to me.

“So, my mother came by the other day and told me she had talked to you,” Natalie began.

“Yes, when you wouldn’t talk to me, or return any of my texts and were pretending like I didn’t exist I had to pull out the big guns,” I said.

“It almost didn’t work. It was only what she said to me about the hunt your father put us on and the real reason behind it that I’m even here.”

“Do you mean because he was trying to get us together?”