Chapter 6
“WHERE’VE YOU BEEN?” Hadley asks when I return to the table.
Seeing Simone’s empty seat, I stutter, “I-I had to make a c-call.”
Hadley frowns and holds up my phone. “How?”
I swipe it out of her hand as I contemplate sitting. I shift to smartass mode so I don’t resemble a dick mid-jizz. “Call Mrs. Peacock for a clue. It’s not the only phone in the world, goof.”
Val says, “Greg, why don’t you finish your food?”
I shrug as I look around and then freeze when I see Simone giggling with Junior. His hand rests on the top of her ass. Not quite touching it, but it’s obscene. Not a hair on her head is out of place. Her skirt remains unwrinkled while I remain grossed out.
“Uh...not hungry,” I mutter.
Ferrera says, “Gregger giving up his precious hummus? Someone call an ambulance.”
I sit and ask Val, “What happened to Birdy?”
“Betsy took her to change her diaper since she had Shasta’s diaper bag.”
I lean closer to Val. “I can’t stay here. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
She grabs my arm. “I know it hurts, but I can tell she misses you.”
“I wish I could believe that, Val.”
I turn to Hadley and say, “Later.”
I glance at Wilder as he plays with one of Finley’s blonde pigtails, and he says, “We have practice on Sunday at two o’clock. Be there.”
I roll my eyes, and Hadley argues, “Come on. You’re leaving already?”
“Yep.” I nod toward Ferrera as I stand, shoving my phone into my pocket. “See ya.”
I leave the way I came: alone, annoyed, and regretting every breath. When I reach the bottom of the yard, I hear, “Gregger, wait up!”
I sigh and finally stop when I reach my car. “Yeah?” I turn to see Ferrera walking toward me, looking unsure of himself.
“I...uh...” He stops, scratches his dark hair, and checks the surrounding area before saying, “I wanted to see if you were okay. I know it must’ve been rough saying goodbye to Birdy.” Unable to speak to that, I nod and look away from him. He says, “I’m sorry about that. Really. Shasta is such a fucking bitch for doing that to you.”
He then clears his throat. “What’s up with you and Simone?” I roll my eyes, and before I argue, he adds, “It’s obvious, Greg. Everyone sees it. I’m your friend. I’m not gossiping about you. I wouldn’t do that.”
“What do you see, Ferrera?”
“You can’t look at each other without fighting. Why?”
“What has your mother told you?”
Ferrera bites his lip and looks toward the trees. “She said you and Simone hung out in Durham. That’s all.” Well, damn. Val can keep a secret better than any diary.
I drag my hand through my hair. I don’t know what to tell Nico. He’s been a friend, but I don’t have many of those, so I don’t know the protocol. When I don’t answer, Ferrera says, “It’s none of my business. I’m sorry.”
He turns, and I say, “I slept with her.”
Ferrera spins with a shocked look on his face. “You did?”