I grip his T-shirt and close my eyes, hearing a door slam and a car speeding out of the parking lot. Gritting my teeth, I take him as deep as I can, which is nothing compared to...
It all happens fast and in silence, but when he moans, something awakens me, and I fall to the bed. He grips the comforter as cream shoots into the condom.
I scoot off the bed, and with the blanket wrapped around me, I run into the bathroom. Once there, I lock myself in there, disgusted I’ve sunk so low.
I stay in there until he gets the hint and takes a hike.
Chapter 28
“SIMONE!” I SCREECH louder when she turns off the bedroom light.
Grief seizes my lungs, and I struggle to breathe. Why do I keep fucking up my goddamn life?
More lights come on in neighboring units. A white-haired woman tells me to zip it if I’m not man enough to win the girl. I’m not.
I took Simone for granted, expecting her to chase me and for me to enjoy it. When she took the bait, I’d reel her in but cut the line when she got too close. I played the game to keep her coming back for more.
Pain sears me, and I grab fistfuls of my hair as I fall to my knees and scream. I swear to Christ I’m dying. Maybe I’m being dramatic. Still, Simone is fucking Rhodes while I fucked myself over. I deserve to lose her twice.
I don’t care if I’m arrested for disturbing the peace or if I go to law school. Nothing is that important to me anymore.
A man yells out his window, “I’m calling the cops!”
In a blind rage, I snap, “Fuck off!”
But since I’m hoarse and there’s no hope of Simone returning to the door, I get up and storm off to my car. I double-check that Simone’s necklace is in my pocket. She may never want to remember, but I can never forget.
“GREG, YOU LOOK...” I avoid looking at Amos as I step into his foyer. He sees my duffel bag of clothes. “Are you staying here?”
I mumble, “Unfortunately.” I set the bag on the stairs and Amos crosses his arms. His snooty gold watch flashes in the obnoxious chandelier’s light.
“This afternoon was horrific.”