She nods, but scowls. “I guess I have a lot to think about. I kind of screwed up my college plans today. I don’t know if I can get my master’s in Dover.”
“Get a student loan. And why not here?” What am I doing?
“I don’t know if that’s wise.” No, but it doesn’t sound wrong.
Remembering the other gift, I let go of her and, reaching into my pocket, I remove the silver box. Anxiety washes over me, rendering me shy for an odd second. “Oh. I got you this too.”
Her jaw drops and her eyes widen again. “I’m afraid.”
Simone’s reaction makes me snort, and I relax somewhat. “It’s nothing sexual.”
Simone takes a deep breath and lifts the lid, tucking it beneath the bottom. “Oh, wow.” She brushes her fingers over the three blue glass flowers. “It’s such a pretty necklace. What is this for?”
“They’re forget-me-nots. They represent you, me, and our baby. Wherever you go, remember the child you and I created and lost.” Her eyes remain glued to my face, and I’m unsure what she’s thinking. “I know it’s not a typical graduation gift, but since our futures will lead us to different places, no matter what, we’ll always have that one connection. I’ll never forget. I only want to forget how I reacted when you told me. I wish I could take it all back and not accuse you of cheating on me. I’m sorry, Simone. More than words can say.”
A tear from each eye drips down her cheeks. “Greg...”
“Do you like it, or should I have not done this? I asked the lady at the jewelry store for ideas, and I loved this one. It’s not obvious where most would know what it represents, since we didn’t tell many.”
She looks at the blue flowers with the gold centers hanging from a gold chain. Simone takes a shaky breath and whispers, “I love it.” She uses the side of her free hand to wipe her cheeks before looking at me. “Thank you. You don’t know what this means to me.”
I clear my throat, but my voice is still hoarse. “Yeah, I do.”
Smiling, Simone nods. “Would you put it on me?”
I blink my stinging eyes and use my thumbs to brush away her new tears. “Absolutely.”
Simone hands me the box, and I remove the necklace, setting the box on the banister. She turns, lifts her hair, and I clasp the chain around her neck. I lean close before she drops her hair, inhaling her sweet scent and dragging my lips along her hairline.
Simone sucks in a loud breath and stammers, “I-I’ll never t-take this necklace off.” She takes a breather before saying, “Can I ask you something?”
I chuckle against her neck. “Probably.”
“If someday I’m single and you’re single...” My lips freeze on her neck, and I hold my breath. When I don’t respond, she continues. “If I want a baby, would you...” Simone trails off like she has changed her mind.
“Would I infuse you with my essence?”
“That sounds revolting.”
I smile at the back of her head before I revert to a humorless tone. “Bequeath my swimmers to you, then?”
“I guess so,” she whispers. “I wouldn’t make you raise the kid. We could sign all the legal papers you want. But if you’re remarried, I wouldn’t ask you to do it. We don’t always get along and have a history, but I’d only want you to...”
I sigh. “It’s a big ask.”
Simone keeps her back to me as she drops her hair. “I know, I know. It’s totally rando and fucked up. But I may want that option as a backup, since I don’t have to adhere to my father’s contract anymore. Nothing is written in stone, and you could change your mind. I don’t know why I’m talking about it now. I feel stupid for asking. I’ve been thinking about this all week.”
I put my hands on her shoulders. “Simone, take a damn breath. I told you why it scares me to have a kid.”
She sighs with a reluctant nod. “Because of CF. We could do genetic counseling. I’d even adopt with you.”
I grow more confused and more in awe. “Why in the hell would you even want to adopt with me?”
“Why not? I know you better than almost anyone else. And I don’t think we did too bad with Birdy.”
Glancing at my hands gripping her shoulders, I lick my lips and contemplate that time and Simone’s new request. Losing Birdy and then my baby with Simone remains a sore spot in my chest. I also lost my sister to the fucking disease. I don’t know if I could handle losing a kid because of it.
I inhale before whispering, “I need to think about it. But I’d have stipulations.”