Brandon looks up from his paper and adjusts his old-timer glasses. “What?”
“Their creative effort is breathtaking.” I shrug and look back at Simone, who again looks away. Her hair is in a twisty knot, and she’s wearing metallic tassel earrings. I watch the lime green sweater she wore with me months ago rise and fall with her shallow breaths. I’d give anything to taste her tits again. Next to me, Shasta mutters shit, and I want to slam her face into the table. Or maybe Brandon’s crotch, where it lives, anyway. Maybe it’d shut him up.
“There is also a new rule regarding participation. Previously, we could ask friends to join our teams, such as Simone and Nico. However, this year, they must be an employee of the company sponsoring the team.”
Most of my coworkers huff and puff as if it’s a declaration of war. Sylvie shakes her head. “Why does it matter?”
“Because some of the best players have not been employees. Some feel this is unfair, as anyone could join a team to tip the scales.”
I sigh. “Since this is major league and all.”
Brandon frowns. “But this isn’t a community league, either. Let’s level the playing field, so to speak.” What a spineless asshole.
Shasta sneers, “So Simone won’t be on the team anymore. Too bad.”
I retort, “Neither will you.” Thank fuck.
Sylvie asks, “Then, what will we do? We won’t have enough players. I mean, not everyone can make it to all the games.”
Pushing up his glasses, Brandon says, “Well—”
Betsy shrieks, “We have to forfeit because of this unfair new rule?”
Brandon’s frown droops. “Now, now, Betsy. It’s a fair compromise. But Amos has hired Simone to be his assistant, making her a valid employee.”
“What the hell?” I spew, drawing all eyeballs to me. “I’m his assistant.”
Brandon nods as confusion latches onto his face. “Yes, but from what Amos told me, you’ll start school soon. He advised he’ll keep you on opposite schedules or rotate.”
“He can sit and rotate,” I mumble under my breath. Hadley pushes on my arm.
Brandon pushes up his glasses. “To keep Simone on the team, it’s the only way.”
“And he didn’t feel the need to mention this?”
“Why is that necessary?” Brandon’s confusion irritates me, and I growl toward my lap. It’s not like I can say much more.
When I look up, Brandon glances at Simone and then at me. “Is there an issue with Miss Simpson working here?” Oh, fuck no.
I look up, feigning cluelessness. “Simpson? Who’s that?”
Simone clears her throat as she flips an ink pen between her fingers, watching it with more fascination than necessary. “That’s me. I changed my name for personal reasons.” Yeah. It should still be Rodwell.
Betsy sneers, “Like Mr. Rodwell did? He’s now Greg for all of you who didn’t hear.” Climb a flagpole in a thunderstorm, hag.
Sylvie rolls her eyes and asks, “What’s the big deal if Simone works here, Rod?” Shit. I dug my own grave.
I shrug. “Whatever. It’s not like she’s our star player.”
Simone narrows her eyes at her pen before pretending she didn’t hear me. Betsy gripes more about Sylvie calling me Rod. I turn to Hadley and say, “Mrs. Wilder, don’t tell me your old man works here now.”
Hadley giggles. “He’d never give up The Wild Side.”
Though I asked the question, Simone addresses everyone but me. “My brother will still be our coach.”
“And back to hell I go,” I complain.
Brandon holds up his hand. “This new rule doesn’t apply to coaches. Finn and Ricky will still coach our team.” Both douche holes can fuck off.