The pain stings me. When Simone turns her head, I lean close to her ear. “I doubt that because any hole of Shasta’s has less mileage than your pussy.” Not even close. Shasta possesses way more than Simone’s twenty-four trophy dicks...or thirty by now. I inhale Simone’s scent, and my heart stutters, my liver quakes, and my balls are close to exploding.
Rubbing my nose to erase Simone, I leave the dugout with a grin to hide the dark sadness. If I don’t smile, I’ll cry. And I’m not boohooing here or letting Simone drag me down that road again.
Before I take another swig of my water, a soft but swift blow slams into my back, jostling me, and I drop my bottle. Turning around, I see a brown softball glove lying at my feet in the dirt. I then hear the squeal of laughter before I see Simone pretending to study her dark blue nails.
“What the hell?”
She shrugs. “At least it wasn’t fresh sperm.” I’ll never forget her throwing my used condom at my back after I fucked her with it.
I pick up the glove and fling it back at her, hitting my target. She grabs her crotch and shrieks, “Shit!”
“Oops. But it’s used to the pounding.”
I laugh, but I’m such a dumbass for not moving. When the glove flies into my dick, I double over, clutching my junk and groaning.
She giggles. “My bad. But nobody will ride it, anyway.”
“What the fuck are you doing?” Wilder jerks Simone’s arm, and as I straighten, he shoves my shoulder.
Simone sniffs, turning on the fake waterworks. “He won’t leave me alone, Wilderness.”
“Give me a fucking break,” I wheeze.
“You assaulted me!”
“You assaulted me twice!”
“Shut the hell up, both of you.” Wilder shakes his head and nods back to the field. “Everyone is watching your little production here. Don’t you care if they all know about your failed deal?”
Simone steps closer to her brother. “It’s him or me.”
“Just put me out of my misery.” I rub my groin, making sure my back is to our field so Betsy and Sylvie don’t have new funds for their spank banks. But I’d fuck Sylvie in front of Betsy if it’d repulse that dirty hag, and she’d leave me alone forever. “This is bullshit. Just go. Take Mud Hut with you.”
Wilder says, “Neither of you are leaving. You’re both taking my deal.”
Simone folds her hands together in a begging prayer. “Is it a million dollars?”
I laugh and notice Mud watching from the bleachers. “You would do it for money.”
Removing his sunglasses, Wilder closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose. “I said to shut up.” He then glares back and forth at us. “This is what’s going to happen. This team is trying to go to the Bahamas if we win. Not individually but as a team. If we don’t have enough players, we forfeit. No more vacation.”
“One of us leaving will not kill this team,” Simone snaps.
“Oh, but no. If one of you leaves, both of you leave. You’re a package deal, Sims, which is a detrimental loss to an already anemic lineup. So, if you don’t want the entire team hating you and Rodwell for killing their chance to win and go on an awesome vacation, then you will get along.”
I shake my head. “You have enough players without me.”
“Let’s up the ante then,” Wilder says with a gleam in his eyes I don’t trust.
“If you can’t get along, I’ll leave. And as your head coach, you need me to stay. Ricky refuses to take on the job. No coach. No team. No win. Because of you and Simone. Do you want to tell the team? Or should I?”
Simone and I remain quiet until I grin. “Hadley will hate you.”
Wilder laughs. “Oh, Rodwell. You’re so funny. I’ll take my wife to the Bahamas no matter what. She’ll love the hell out of me, if you know what I’m saying. But she’ll resent you and Simone for ruining it for Val.”