Betsy asks, “Why is there a problem with Simone, Greg?” She then whips her head from Simone to scowl at me. “She shoot you down for a date?” Betsy laughs, and I swear it sounds like cats fighting in an alley.
Simone glares at Betsy, but her stern frown melts into a laugh when she sees me watching. “A date? That’s funny.” Such a bitch move.
Ricky snaps his gum with a proud grin toward Simone, which turns mocking when flung at me. “Come on, Rodwell. Be a team player.”
Under my breath, I mutter, “Bite one,” which makes Ferrera laugh, and his mother frowns at him from the other side of our group.
Wilder says, “Okay, everyone. Get to it. Ricky and I will make our rounds.” Oh, goody.
When Hadley sees my ire toward her husband, she tries to smooth it over. “Finn isn’t picking on you. He promised to put all the personal stuff aside for the team’s sake.”
“Well, I guess you have to believe him. Otherwise, his wedding vows to you mean zilch.”
The group breaks off into teams, leaving Simone and me floundering. Wilder writes on his obnoxious blue clipboard but is always up for twisting that knife. “Come on, you two. You’re wasting our time. The longer you piss around, the longer you stay after practice to catch up.”
Simone stomps over to her brother. With her back to me, I see her spray fury all over Wilder. I notice her tense back and shoulders while her messy bun wobbles as she tears him a new one. Still, Wilder doesn’t budge, which is impressive and irritating until his cool composure hits the skids. He removes his sunglasses, throwing her a look that would melt a butter sculpture. I can’t read his lips, but it’s hard to with his clenched teeth.
Simone shoves her brother’s chest and storms off, pouting at Mud. I’m glad I don’t have to deal with her shit.
Wilder walks over to talk to his wife and smiles like he only does for Hadley. She sweeps hair strands across his forehead from under the bill of his baseball hat. He kisses her left wrist and then clutches it. When he looks at her inked left ring finger, I notice his eyes darken and fall to her left tit, where she inked her nickname for him: Sparks. I mean, what is that shit? Wilder kisses her knuckle and then leans forward to whisper in her ear, no doubt reserving a fuck for later. He pulls back, and Hadley gives him a quick kiss on his lips to remind everyone she screws our coach, pretty much confirming his appointment between her legs after practice.
Suppressing a gag and surmising Simone won’t grab us a softball, I get one and toss it into the air, waiting for her. I tilt my head as I watch her ass flexing amid bounces against her loser date. The night at the hotel with her invades my thoughts, reliving me fucking her doggy style. I came so hard that my cum dripped everywhere before I even pulled out.
“Will you be okay?”
The memory evaporates, and since it’s Val, I should light myself on fire in repentance. She’ll never see me lose it like I did at Aunt Amy’s bar. “Yep. No worries here. I’m ready to play ball. Don’t care about anything else.” However, my wayward gaze blabs to Val as I watch Simone shimmy against Manure.
“If it makes any difference, I don’t think they’ve been dating long.”
Remembering Val’s magical powers, I ask, “Do you notice anything with the aura stuff? Like how you see Hadley and Wilder as...soulmates?” Jesus Hell. That still sickens me.
Her disappointment in me doesn’t improve, and I need to look into stapling my mouth shut. But the way she breaks eye contact is suspect when she mutters, “Sometimes it’s hard to tell. I’m sorry.”
I shrug as I side-eye Simone, rubbing her tits all over that douchebag. I mutter to myself, “Why is Wilder jerking me around, forcing me to work with his sister? I should be the last person he’d want with her.”
“I don’t know. Maybe he wants you to be friends. We’re supposed to be a team, not smaller factions.”
“Simone!” Wilder yells. “Now!”
Mud hugs Simone and whispers something into her ear. When he looks at her face again, the wide-eyed expression he gives her is weird, and I swear to Martha Stewart, they’re gabbing about me.
Before I head to the outfield, I notice Ricky watching them. “Looks like you’re losing your touch, Tesco. You wanted Simone. Still do. So, why aren’t you with her?”
Ricky’s grin falls, and his insecurity shines through as he shifts and crosses his arms. “I’d rather not mess around with Finn’s sister, especially after she’s been with you. Does that answer your question?”
“Yep. It tells me all I need to know about you.”
Ricky sighs. “You’re such a child.” Pretty much.
Not having the patience to talk to him further, I storm out to the field, past third base, and wait for my partner. Nearby, Crick pitches a ball to Rhonda, and I shout, “Stellar throw, Scanlon! Be careful! Ronnie has a mean arm!”
Crick nods with a hesitant grin while Rhonda bounces in place with an enormous smile. I never thought I’d be friends with Rhonda, of all people.
“Are you going to throw the ball this year?”
I turn to see Simone waiting for me. Her glove is on her right hand, while she perches her left hand on her hip. Sunglasses now adorn Simone’s face, and she knotted her T-shirt at the waist. Her tits strain against the blue shirt, and in two seconds, I envision her naked, writhing on top as we fuck.
My gaze falls to her blue finger-nailed hand, and I remember her pushing my wedding ring into her cunt and getting herself off on it. She then put the ring back on my finger with her orgasm dripping from it. That was the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever experienced.