Chapter 1
WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS, throw out the rulebook, swig some whiskey, and screw the goddamn prom queen.
According to Gregory R. Rodwell.
The past two months have been nothing short of vicious for Greg, who has reverted to existing as a hermit inside of himself. No teasing grins, sarcastic retorts, or inappropriate jokes and innuendos at his usual level. Yet, even though his head remains down, avoiding eye contact with anyone, a fierce and inexplicable fire fuels him. Is he hanging on tenterhooks for a fresh start in Richmond? Perhaps for his future as a lawyer? The reading of Gloria’s will? The possibility of a life with someone new?
No. He’ll never want someone new. Simone was imperfectly perfect for him. She was the high to his low. The see to his saw. The light illuminating his darkness.
Greg is a troubled soul facing internal struggles and needs guidance from a trustworthy confidant. Simone filled that role. But when they faced the dilemma of Simone’s unexpected pregnancy, most likely from different viewpoints, their relationship imploded.
I planned our return to Richmond to coincide with his former wife’s exit, as she will finish college there. I needed the time to arrange my ducks before our departure, as the flock may take flight, wrecking my unauthorized but necessary machination. Regardless of my planning, one month prior, Greg contacted me while on his way to Richmond and expressed his impatience using offensive language. Caught unawares, it forced me to leave Durham the next day. Irrespective of the circumstances, he exhibits his refusal to conform and adhere to expectations daily. That will be an asset and a detriment for him as an attorney.
Checking my watch, I remain cautiously optimistic about this meeting. Tomorrow morning, I leave to tend to my ill mother in Roanoke. Still, if these past two months have proven anything, nothing is predictable. Life can turn on a dime and fall into a storm sewer. I feel this is my last hope of retrieving said dime.
Vivaldi’s Winter in F Minor peals from my jacket as I observe the road in front of the small bistro on the outskirts of Richmond. Retrieving it and seeing my niece’s name on the screen, I smile, as she is one of my favorite women. When I’m at the Richmond firm, I see her every day. With her being my older sister’s daughter, we’ve kept our kinship discreet, for the office is a small world.
We end our call as nearby footsteps grab my attention, and an unmistakable voice greets me. With a wary demeanor, my dinner date raises an eyebrow and locks eyes with me while shaking hands. “Hey, Amos. I didn’t expect to hear from you. You wouldn’t go into details. Are we talking shop, or do I need to speculate? If it’s about him, then I have a shitload to say.”
Withdrawing my hand, I nod toward the entrance. “Allow me to treat you to dinner while I plead my case.”
“I’m not an impartial judge. I’d burn him at the stake.”
“Please. You don’t know the entire story.”
“I know enough.”
“Greg did not end the marriage.”
“That’s not the point. Why do you care so much about him?”
“Because he’s a good man. Better than many of his age. I understand you’re the last person I should summon to assist me, but I’m at my wit’s end. Greg and Simone were in love. I promise that’s the truth. He’s suffering along with her. His personality extends far beyond being the office comedian.”
“Or an ex-husband?” Before I respond, a sigh fills the air between us. “Fine. You’d better make this good. I’ll hear you out, but only once.”
I hope once will be all I need.