Page 77 of Vicious Vows

"You made me an offer at the restaurant, nothing has changed. I want my revenge." Her hazel eyes glittered deviously.

I had business to attend to but first I had to bear the wrath of my wife.



Everyone has their little secrets.

My secret is massive.

When Dominic had me strapped up to Farrah's bed, the pain was intense. All I could think about was getting away from his blows, that is until I let the sensations wash over me and found myself in a state of clear-headed numbness. There's no level of meditation I could achieve that would have me drop all of my pretenses faster than when I was forced to take whatever Dominic chose to do to me.

As much as it disgusted me to admit it, I liked the feeling of being tied up and helpless. I'm not sure Dominic would feel the same way, but I would give him a small taste of what he did to me just to find out.

"Are you going to try and kill me?" Dominic stared at me from where he was seated in his chair—the same chair he used to watch over me after he'd had Dr. Nelson come in and check me that first night, the same one he sat in and watched me sleep after he found out that I was not my sister, the same one I'd learned to look for him in when I woke up from an otherwise peaceful sleep. Except right now, he didn't look as relaxed as he usually did. Concern laced his brow, and even though his voice was even, I could tell that he was anything but calm, especially after I'd told him what I wanted to do to him.

"No, I'm not going to kill you; I don't even want to leave any marks on you." I looked around the room at a loss for how I could recreate the scene from my sister's house. I'd never tried to tie anyone up before; this was all brand new to me.

"Do you have any of the items you used at my sister's house here?"

"I have my own collection," he replied, squeezing his hands into a fist.

"Have you used them on anyone?"

"If you try and force a dildo up my ass, I'll break your neck," he snarled at me.

"That's too extreme even for me, Dominic. I thought you said you trusted me?"

"I do trust you, but I also know how angry you are."

"Don't worry, I'm not going to force anything inside of you. Maybe next time you think about doing that to someone, you'll remember just how against the idea you were in the first place." I shrugged.

"Noted. Under the bed, there's a small box." He gestured with his chin in the direction I should go.

I pulled my skirt up so I could kneel on the ground and grabbed the box. I opened it up, and even though it wasn't as diverse as what my sister had, it would do what I wanted to do to him.

"Strip." I ordered him without looking back in his direction.

"For what?" He questioned, and I shot him a glance to let him know I wouldn't be answering any of his questions; this was my show.

"Fine." He grumbled before he stood and aggressively began to take his clothing off.

He got down to his boxers, but that wasn't enough for me. I wanted to see all of him. I wanted to paint that tan skin crimson the same way he'd done to me.

"The boxers too." I stood back away from the bed fully clothed and waiting for him to comply with what I wanted.

He pushed his boxers down, and his cock sprang up like a lightning rod. For someone who thought I was about to hurt him, he sure was more than a little excited.

"It doesn't seem like you are too worried about what I'm going to do to you." I quipped, focusing my eyes on his long shaft. I squeezed my thighs together, grateful for the dress that was hiding the dampness between my legs. I may not want anything to do with him, but my body was a traitor. I knew how good he could make me feel, and it seemed like he was more than ready to do just that if I gave him the chance.

"I'm naked in front of my wife; no matter what you have planned for me, I'm always going to be ready for you," he responded.

I bit my lips softly before I snapped my eyes back up to his face. "Get on the bed."

"So far so good." He whispered before walking by me and laying out on the bed, his heavy manhood sticking straight up and laying against his lower abdomen stretching up to cover his belly button.

I grabbed two ropes and something that looked like a whip. The end of the whip was cut up into strips of leather, but they didn't seem like they'd hurt. I tested it against my arm just to make sure. I knew I'd have to put a lot of effort into my swing to truly cause him any pain. That was fine; I wasn't looking to hurt him. I wanted to break him in a different way.