I turn my head in his direction and hissed, "It'll be a cold day in hell before I beg to fuck you again."
"Cold day, hot day, I'll go to hell any day for another taste of you my sweet girl." He smirked at me and I jerked away from him. I shook my head at his brazenness but didn't say another word.
The wide smile on Dominic's face told me all I needed to know. He wasn't going to stop trying to get me. I could deny him all I wanted but all it would make him do was push harder. Dominic isn't the type of man to give up. He's the type of man who takes what he wants by force no matter who it hurts in the process.
My fucking skin itches every time I humble myself in front of Faye.
I'm not made for this groveling crap but I must admit the longer I keep up what I've been doing the softer Faye seems to become.
She still isn't talking to me but at least she's not trying to kill me with her stares. Now when she looks at me it's more like she's trying to understand what I'm doing. I'm confusing her.
I'll take that over just blind hatred.
I hoped that by tonight we'd be further along in her forgiveness process, I'm already wound up tighter than a steel drum. I need some release but I know I can't reach out to any of the other women at the compound.
Faye made it absolutely clear that if I fucked anyone besides her I could forget about getting in that tight pussy again. There's no way I was going to give up Faye for just some random piece of ass. No, I was going to have to take my apologies up to another level. A level I've never even thought about taking it to.
I was going to woo her.
Just thinking about it makes my stomach turn. Sure, I've entertained a woman before but always for a common goal. Always for my own gain. Now I was going to have to do it just to show her a good time. I hated every moment of this but I was willing to do what I had to do in order to make sure that she stayed where I needed her. Right by my side.
"Yuri!" I call out as I go into my closet and pull out a dark blue suit.
"Sir?" He poked his head into the room, a look of confusion on his face as he saw the pile of clothing on the chair. The blue suit wasn't my first choice. In fact, I didn't really know what I was supposed to wear to this.
This date.
"I need you to set up a private room at Depriccio's."
"Of course, when do you need the room?" He nodded his head ready to take my order.
His eyes open wide, and I know why there is so much shock. Depriccio's is an elite-level restaurant. People wait for months on a list just to get in, trying to get a private room at the last minute is basically impossible.
"Um, Dominic, I'm not sure I'll be able to get a private room on such short notice. Can we try a different..."
"No, I want Depriccio's. Do what you have to do but I don't want to be disturbed." I shoot Yuri a deadly glare before going back to my closet and pulling out another suit. Everything is going to be perfect for tonight. With everything else going absolutely to shit in my life I'm determined to get my relationship with Faye back on solid ground. One way or another.
"I'll get it done." Yuri clenches his jaw before turning and walking out of the room.
I've got no choice but to trust that he'll do what he says he's going to do. Of course, he knows if he fails me he'll wind up dead in a ditch somewhere. Yuri's not dumb. He'll get those reservations settled. All I need to do is figure out how to date a woman.
* * *
Faye's as cold as ever when I pull her from the bedroom and present her with the softest silk dress I'd ever seen. It's not flashy, a soft sand color that compliments her complexion. Not something I'd see on any of the other women that usually grace my presence.
"What are we doing?" Faye asked me as she stared out the window of the car, her arms still folded over her chest.
"You're going to accompany me to dinner," I replied, keeping things short and sweet.
"Who am I supposed to impress?" She asked.