She was still lying to me. I heard her speaking to someone on the phone but I didn't know who it was. It could've been the cops. I just hoped she wasn't dumb enough to think calling for help would do her any good. Any way she looked at it she was stuck here with me. There was no out for her.
"Stop fucking lying to me!" I shouted and she fell down to her knees. The most pitiful of positions.
"It was Farrah. I called my sister." Faye finally admitted.
I could feel my eyebrows shoot up at that. I'd been searching high and low for her sister to make sure she didn't talk to anyone and more importantly to put her in her place for tricking me in the first place. I had my underlings going to all the local hangouts where I knew Farrah liked to visit but no one had seen or heard from her since all this had started.
I couldn't let Faye know that I was impressed that she was able to do something that none of my people were able to do. "Is that so? And what did your dear sister have to say? Is she coming over to rescue you right now?"
Faye closed her eyes and turned her head away from me. "No." She mumbled.
"No? Surely you misheard her?" I teased.
Of course, Farrah wasn't going to come over here and put herself on the line for her sister. Out of the two of them, Faye was the only one with a caring bone in her body. Her sister didn't give a hot shit about Faye.
"I didn't mishear! She says she's not coming. She was more concerned with making sure that I found a way to send her some money and to make sure that you didn't know where she was." Faye snapped back at me.
"And where is your sweet sister?" I asked crouching down lower so I could get into her face.
"I don't know," She replied.
I grabbed hold of her chin and wrenched her face back in my direction. I wanted to see if she was as naive as I thought she was. If she were truly hiding information because she was trying to protect her sister.
"Don't lie to me."
"I said I don't know!" She yanked her chin out of my grasp. "Farrah doesn't seem to think I have it so bad here. She wants me to make the best of it." She scoffed and shot daggers at me with her eyes, "As if I could."
"You didn't have to come in the first place," I replied.
"I did. What part of I had to do this do you not understand? My sister said she needed me. She made me believe..." She sighed and finally dropped her hands to the floor. The small burner phone clattered against the hardwood floor right next to her. "She made me believe this was the way to get things back on track with the two of us. I just wanted to do right by her. I didn't know she was going to sell me out like this."
The fire in her eyes had already begun to dim but behind the anger, I could see the disappointment. The loss of hope. Everyone around her was failing her.
"You're the only one who wanted to save the relationship. Your sister is as selfish as they come."
"Yeah, I know that but she's still my sister. I'd do anything for her. I just didn't expect her to take it to this level." Faye shrugged again and dropped her head down to her knees.
I picked up the phone and did a quick scan of the last outgoing calls and sure enough only one number had been dialed. I would save it for a different time. I didn't want to deal with Farrah right now, not when everything else around me was falling to shit.
I looked around the room and noticed besides the mess I'd made with the desk everything else seemed to be in its rightful place. "What are you doing up here anyway?"
"What do you mean? It's not like I can do anything else. You've got me stuck in the bedroom like a damn prisoner. I know I can't run away from here but I can't sleep forever. I was just looking around."
I sat down and let the weight of the day drift from my body. This was the most normal conversation I'd had in a while. No worrying about someone coming up behind me to kill me. I didn't have to worry about Faye putting a knife to my throat, I could just be in the moment. A strange moment of peace.
"Did you cure your curiosity?" I asked, no longer looking at her but now taking in the nearly hauntingly beautiful landscape my sunroom provided. A room I didn't get to come in nearly enough.
"Are you going to punish me?" Faye asked, her voice soft and hesitant.
I cut my eyes in her direction and shook my head. "I think you've learned your lesson. Stop looking for someone to help you because it's not going to happen. I'm the only one who can help you."
"Then no, I haven't cured my curiosity." She rose slowly and I let my gaze follow her as she walked over to the opposite side of the room.
She's still wearing the dress she had on for the party. It was revealing and definitely not something she should be wearing walking around a house full of killers. My men already had their ideas about what they wanted to do to her.
Still, I couldn't stop the flare of desire that crept up inside of me. Just the way she moved, as if she were gliding instead of walking. I wanted to corrupt her.
"What are you doing?" I asked as she neared my private closet and pulled it open. She turned back looking at me with questions clear in her eyes as if she couldn't tell what my next move would be. I should be irate that she went through my personal items but I couldn't muster it up. I didn't care about anything besides the sense of peace I was still sitting in.