The Familiar merely shook his fuzzy head, looking like he knew something Shay didn’t.

Roman slammed the door to room number nine and locked the deadbolt, the chain. His blood was thrumming, electrifying with thoughts of Shay in that bathing suit.

That yellow fucking bathing suit.

He should keep the door locked. Whenever she decided to come back in here, there’d be no telling what would happen, what he might do.

He’d wanted to do a lot more than snap the string of her bathing suit, that was for goddamn sure.

You will absolutely not be doing more, Sayagul cut in, her words coated with warning. The dragon fluttered out of his shadow and onto the bed, where she’d stashed her half-eaten bag of gummy bears under one of many throw pillows.

I know that, Roman grumbled.

The dragon eyed him as she pried the candy bag out from under the pillow with a claw. Don’t make me use these on you, she warned, holding up a sharp claw in illustration.

Roman stared at the locks. Said, “Fuck my life,” and unlocked them.

He’d control himself. Would stay the fuck out of Shay’s pants—or bikini, whatever the hell she wore the next time he let these thoughts poison his head again—or his mistake would get them both killed.


Caliginous on Silverway


“It’s not working.”

Darien pushed away from the door to the Reverse Chamber and started pacing.

The others—Ivy, Jack, Tanner, Kylar, and Joyce—kept quiet as they observed him. He was about to tip into the deep end of a Surge—he could feel it, the beast breathing hungrily down the back of his neck.

Ivy was the first to speak. “It will.”

“It might take a few treatments.” This came from Tanya, who spoke from the end of the corridor, a hand propping open the door behind her. “Even people with very depleted magic levels don’t always leave here afterward with a full reservoir. Sometimes it takes two, maybe even three treatments.”

Darien appreciated the effort everyone was making, but they all spoke from zero experience. Never had anything like this—anyone like Loren—happened before.

Tanya said, “I recommend we pause treatment after twenty minutes.”

Darien stopped pacing, the violent storm in his soul shifting into a hurricane. “Twenty minutes?” he growled. “That’s fucking it?”

Tanner said quietly, “You don’t want to push it, Dare.”

Darien started pacing again, eyes flickering black. “Twenty minutes, then.” He blinked away the Sight. “But we’ll be back here tomorrow.” His tone left no room for argument.

Tanya left, and the corridor fell silent.

Darien stepped up to the window in the door and looked in, at the floating balls of light and the trembling water droplets. Loren’s hair kept floating. Her chest kept rising and falling.

And she kept sleeping.

He curled his hands into fists, knuckles cracking.

Kylar said, “You want to try one of the chambers?”

Darien didn’t turn.

“If they work for Roman’s psycho ass, they’ll do something for you.”