“I’m thinking the chambers lead to a network of tunnels. Remember how they were storing the first Well replica in Angelthene underneath the city?” Several people murmured in answer. “Why not do the same in Yveswich?”

“It’s a good guess,” Lace said as she began strapping weapons to her body, suit already on. Jewels and Aspen were doing the same in the living room just behind her. “What better place to hide a bomb than underground where no one could stumble upon it by accident?”

Tanner went on, “I can’t view anything that’s covered in adamant, but look here,” he dragged the mouse, gesturing to the vague, colorful lines running underneath the skyscraper, along with a shaft that seemed to abruptly end before picking up again near the bottom of the screen, just a sliver of a colored line. “I think this is the maintenance elevator.”

“So,” Max said, “some of us go in through Caliginous while the rest of us go in through the elevator?”

“You’ll need an employee code and print to use them,” Tanner said, pulling up a different screen. “Give me two secs and I’ll get them for you.”

“What about the Necropolis?” Kylar asked.

Heads turned to face him.

Darien said, “What necropolis?”

“It’s a city below the city,” Roman replied. “A place they used to write stories about. A city of the dead—literally.”

Kylar added, “It’s a bunch of old tunnels and catacombs they sealed off a long time ago to help control the underground demon populations.”

“Where were the entrances located before they sealed them?” This question came from Travis, who was helping Jewels fasten her weapons belt, much to the dismay of a glaring Malakai.

“By the tar pits,” Roman said, speaking to his brother for the first time in hours.

“So…,” Jack began, sliding a knife into the sheath by his ankle, “some of us should take a look in case they’ve reopened an entrance?”

“Exactly,” Kylar confirmed, eyes bright with adrenaline.

“Block them in from all sides,” Dominic smiled. “I like it.”

“Okay, so three groups, then,” Ivy said. “Who’s going to the tar pits and who’s going to Caliginous?”

Eyes scanned the group, most of them looking to Darien for the answer.

“Me, Roman, Jack, Tanner—chamber seven,” Darien decided. “Max and Dallas—maintenance elevators. We’ll meet where the tunnels intersect.” He turned to Tanner. “How close are they?”

He hummed, bringing up the blueprint again, and shrugged. “Can’t tell. Might have to wing that one.”

“Alright,” Darien said. “The rest of you—tar pits.” There were a few people in the group who were staying behind—Arthur and the kids, obviously, and Dominic and Blue, who’d volunteered to stay at the house in case any protection was needed here. Darien had managed to convince Malakai to stay too—for Loren. If Darien couldn’t be with her himself, he’d pick the strongest person to guard her. The Reaper had argued—vehemently. But had ultimately accepted.

Now, the Reaper grumbled again about having babysitting duty, but didn’t argue. Instead, he stalked up to Aspen to help her with her weapons.

“Where’s Arthur?” Darien asked, scanning the room full of people.

The old man was coming down the hallway in his pajamas. “Here. Got your blades.” Wrapped up in a towel, he carried the three swords, reinforced and complete with proper hilts. In his other hand, he held the rest of the rings. He passed them out and gave instructions to the few people who didn’t know how to use them. “Where is Shayla?” he asked, scanning the room.

Roman’s eyes fell to the floor. He turned the ring on his finger, the black suit shooting out to cover his body, magic shimmering over his face. “Not here.” He cleared his throat. “And not coming.”

Arthur offered him the navy blue ring he’d made for Shay. “Take it anyway. Just in case.”

Roman didn’t.

“I will,” Ivy said. She stepped forward and took the ring.

Darien glanced at Tanner’s screen again—one last time. The innocent woman they could no longer see, thanks to the cameras being cut. “We need to hurry.”

A few minutes later, Darien stepped into one of the spare bedrooms upstairs with his sister, who he’d asked to speak to Loren while he was gone—to find out what had been bothering her since he’d brought her to the Avenue of the Waning Moon. He knew he could ask Loren himself, but he’d already tried—and sometimes, women were more open to each other in ways not even their boyfriends could get them to be. And fuck if he was going to let anything drive them apart. He’d just got her back—he needed to fix this.

Whatever this was.