Caliginous on Silverway


Loren watched the droplets of water zigzag through the air above her head, the chamber at Caliginous on Silverway whirring around her. She breathed in deeply, her lungs filling with the scent of citrus and rain.

Her treatment was timed for twenty minutes. Already, she felt better than she had last night, her heartbeat steady and strong, her mind clear.

She was in here by herself this time. Dallas, Ivy, and Shay were out in the hall, peeking in at her every once in a while. The others who’d decided to come with were elsewhere, helping Tanner carry out his plan in whatever way they could, whether it was distracting Tanya or keeping watch down on the street in case anyone of interest showed up.

After Caliginous had been closed a few days ago with zero explanation as to why, and after Darien had recognized several of the imperator’s men coming up here, Tanner thought it was worthwhile to investigate—to find out if there was a potential connection between Caliginous on Silverway and the imperator’s plan, whatever it was.

The others had insisted it wasn’t her fault. That she couldn’t have known the imperator would be so daring as to cut a new doorway into the Veil. But she couldn’t help but feel responsible. She had given them reason to want to get into the Void—the most deadly and terrifying place imaginable. And if they succeeded…if another doorway was opened, and Death and his demons were free to enter their world…

She focused on her breathing. Inhale… Exhale…

The session ended, and the chamber shut off with a rolling shudder.

Loren sat up and tugged off the white leather gloves. She turned her left hand palm-up, studying the tattoo in the center of it.

She might have been imagining it, but she swore she didn’t feel quite as replenished as she did when Darien came in here with her.

Loren sighed and swung her legs over the side of the tabletop. It was probably her imagination—the crush that kept her from wanting to be away from him.

She needed to talk to him. Hopefully tonight.

“So you were sick that day?” Darien said, his arms folded on Tanya’s desk. “That’s why you were closed?”

She hung up the phone with a heavy sigh. He’d started hounding with her questions the minute she’d said goodbye to the client on the other end of the call, not giving her a chance to put the phone on the receiver first. “Yes. I took a sick day. Do Darkslayers not have sick days?” She typed on her keyboard.

“Hellsehers don’t typically get sick. Neither do veneficae.” Not unless it was the Tricking. Colds and flus were a mortal thing.

Her manicured fingers froze on the keys. “I had a few drinks the night before,” she said, her silver-ringed eyes downcast. She started typing again. “I was hungover.”

Darien grunted. He threw a glance at the corridor that led to Chamber Number Five. Loren’s treatment ended two minutes ago. Behind him, Roman paced in the waiting area, phone glued to his ear. Travis and Jack sat across from each other , tossing something between them. They were the only people in here, the other clients having checked out before Tanya took the last call. Atlas was still gone—and luckily, Tanya hadn’t noticed he’d disappeared.

Suddenly, she shot to her feet. “Hey!” she exclaimed.

Travis and Jack froze, the latter catching the pink blur of an object in a hand he held palm-up in his lap.

“Is that my stress ball?” Tanya fumed.

Jack held it up. “Is that what this is?” He squeezed it, making it flex. “I need to get me one of these.” He tossed it up so high, it hit the ceiling.

Tanya pushed her swivel chair aside. “Alright, that’s it—give it back.”

A door opened, and Darien turned to the sound of female voices. One in particular—the sweetest voice he’d ever had the pleasure of hearing.

Loren was coming out of the corridor to Chamber Number Five, Ivy, Dallas, and Shay with her. Loren’s eyes found his…

And immediately darted away.

Fuck, he needed to talk to her.

Jack whipped Tanya’s stress ball at the desk. The squishy pink orb struck a bottle of essential oil and knocked it over.

“Whoops,” Jack chuckled.