If he wasn’t, if he was lying, then nearly getting himself killed by flipping over vehicles in Werewolf Territory was a damn convincing way of making a bunch of people believe you.

Max and the others had multitasked in the time since Jaden and the others had rolled up, using some of the time for explanations and the rest for packing. They were ready to go—to leave Angelthene and find Darien in Yveswich. Max and the others had changed into clean clothes, but they all had blood on them still. No time for showers or rest—that would come when they made it to Yveswich. So would sleep, but Max was about ready to drop dead, exhaustion weighing heavily on every bone, every muscle, his gunshot wound still burning like hell.

“And what is it?” Sabrine asked Jaden. “We saw these in a photograph of the Phoenix Head Society. Logan’s dad was wearing one.”

“Your dad was killed because of one of these keys,” Jaden said to Logan, who was somehow managing to contain his wolf temper, his curiosity winning over the primal urge to Shift—to tear apart his enemy. “My mother was after the keys. The murders that were happening on your land—that was her attempt at starting a war so she would have an excuse to go looking for your father’s key. The keys are for the Arcanum Well—the Phoenix Head Society created them to protect the Well and keep its powers from being used by the wrong people. People like my mom.” He grimaced—another convincing reaction. “Six members of the society were entrusted with protecting the keys when the Well was hidden away. If someone has all six keys, they can use the Well without needing the girl.”

“Loren,” Dallas breathed, her eyes flicking to Max.

“Loren is the Skeleton Key,” Jaden explained. “Which means Loren is the only person who can use the Well without needing these.” He shook the key in illustration, causing it to rattle. He extended it toward Max. “This is for you,” he declared.

Max stared, his attention flicking between Jaden and the key swinging in his hand. “You’re giving this to me?”

“I told you: I’m on your side. I killed my mother so I could put a stop to her tirades before she started a war with the wolves.”

Logan said, “And we’re supposed to just believe you?”

Chrysantha placed a hand on her brother’s arm. “The deaths have stopped,” she said gently, her fire-painted eyes beseeching. “The murders. They stopped after Calanthe was killed.”

“Not right away,” Logan argued. “We found Desiree Denaldi at Silver Claw—she had been drugged. And another vampire was killed after your mother died. Explain that, Jaden,” he spat.

“I don’t expect you to trust me,” Jaden said calmly. “After her death, I had to weed out the corruption without giving myself and my true motives away. And I am still weeding it out, which is why I attacked my own sister—to get her out of the Blood Rose and out of harm’s way.” The attack that had prompted Emilie to show up at Logan’s house while Darien was there. She’d sought sanctuary, and the alpha and his sister had taken her in.

In his peripheral vision, Max saw Emilie absently reach for her throat—bruises that had long since faded. Bruises from her own brother’s hands.

Jaden continued, “Some of Calanthe’s people were still acting in her stead immediately after her death—going forth with the orders she’d put in place. The orders I didn’t know about—and the ones her people assumed I would be backing. I’ve since put a stop to her plan to get into Werewolf Territory, but...it’s been hard, truthfully. They’re after the Key of Sapientia—your father’s key, Logan.”

“If you’re expecting me to tell you where it is,” Logan began, “I have no clue, and I wouldn’t tell you, anyway.”

“That key could be a fake,” Malakai said, his eyes fixed on the key in Jaden’s outstretched hand.

“Touch it,” Jaden challenged.

The crowded room blinked at him.

Jaden said again, “Touch it. You’ll see that it’s not ordinary.”

Max shifted on his feet. “You first.”

Jaden reached out, pinching the rectangle between his thumb and forefinger. He rolled it around in his grip, and then let go, the key tinkling like silvery bells as it swayed. “Go on.”

Max kept his stare on Jaden as he took hold of the key—

And nearly fell to his knees. It made him feel sick—like his stomach was churning, and the acidic bite of bile rose in his throat, sweat prickling on his back.

He let go. “What the hell was that?” he bit out.

“It’s the magic,” Jaden said. “I’ve never felt anything like it.”

Neither had Max. Not even magic staves felt like that.

Max took and pocketed the key, only touching the chain this time. “I’m far from thanking or trusting you,” he warned.

“Understandable. I’m sure you’d all like some time to yourselves, so I’ll be on my way.” He strode through the group, slowing as he passed his sister. He dipped his chin. “Emilie.”

The female vampire said nothing, her fingers still idly stroking her throat.

Jaden left—by himself, no guards, nothing.