“How strong is Pax’s magic?”

Roman shrugged. “Don doesn’t even know it’s manifested yet. I put Pax on suppressants several years ago—before Don could find out he had magic. He’s convinced Pax is going to be as strong as me—maybe stronger. And every day that passes without his magic showing up, he…” Another swallow. “…gets more mad.”

Now, it was Darien’s turn to focus on breathing. He braced his hands on the roof behind him, flattening them so he couldn’t form fists. Although it was milder tonight, the roof was icy, the feel of it grounding him.

When Roman spoke again, he set his eyes on Darien for the first time since he’d come up here. “I’m not kidding when I tell you that my dad is a nightmare. Randal was powerful, I know, but Don, he’s…” Roman shook his head. “I don’t know. He’s changed a lot these last few weeks. I’ve never seen magic as terrifying as his. Closest I saw was yours, honestly. Which I guess is how I ended up like this—” He gestured to himself, rings glinting. “Most notorious Darkslayer in Yveswich, and I can’t even stand up to my dad.” Fuck, Roman was speaking the thoughts that’d dominated Darien’s mind every waking moment, back before Randal died.

“I was the same as you when Randal was alive. And you were right—it was a freak stroke of luck that killed him.”

“What happened, anyway?”

Darien stared at the forcefield. “He was threatening Loren’s life.” The muscles in his arms hardened from the memory. “So I led him and his men into a trap. Blackgate Manor, it’s called. An old house with a demon that’ll kill you if it can smell your fear.”

“And it killed Randal?”

Darien nodded. “It killed Randal.”

Roman was studying him with something like admiration. “But not you.”

Darien said, “I wasn’t afraid of it. Wish I could’ve said the same about my dad.”

Roman shook his head and stared out at the city again. “Regrets upon fucking regrets.”

“You got that right.”

They breathed for a while in silence—just sitting together, not saying anything, the ghosts of their breaths their only company.

“I come up here by myself sometimes,” Roman said a few minutes later, his voice whisper-quiet. “It’s funny—whenever I look at something like the night sky, I’m reminded of how small me and my problems are. We’re all made up of our own little worlds—some just have less stars.”




“Call me if you need anything, hey?” Dominic said as he got out of the SUV, black wings gleaming like oil as the street lights in the Financial District buzzed to life. The sun was setting; businesses would be closing soon.

Max was pulled over in front of the skyscraper that housed the Death’s Landing penthouse. Blue waited nearby on the sidewalk, disguised by one of Dallas’s spells. Dal was getting better at using magic; her glamors were lasting longer than they used to.

“Will do,” Max called.

Dominic shut the door and took Blue’s hand as they made their way into the building—walking instead of flying up to the penthouse like they usually did. Max knew it was because Blue had complained about feeling carsick from the long drive. They’d barely stopped driving from the minute they checked out of Motel 58 until they got to Angelthene. Max was beat, and he needed a shower, pronto.

“They are so cute, they make me sick,” Dallas said with a grin as she watched the Angel and the Elemental disappear through the sliding glass doors at the front of the building.

Max pulled out into traffic. It was just him and Dallas now. Malakai and Aspen had made it back to the city before them, the leader of the Reapers too impatient to drive at Max’s speed.

“Are you coming to Hell’s Gate, or do you want me to take you to the academy?” Max asked Dallas as she let out a big yawn.

“I’ll come to Hell’s Gate,” she decided, eyes watering. She flicked away a tear that escaped one corner. “I need a nap.”

He was about to reply when something slammed into the SUV’s left side, ramming the vehicle clear across two lanes.

Max’s heart lurched up his throat. He cranked the wheel, but he couldn’t stop it.

The SUV careened into the cement barricade and flipped.

Travis had made a huge mistake.