He shook his head. “Weird.”

The door shot open with a hiss.

Darien stepped into the doorway, bracing a hand on either side, and looked into the pitch black.

This was the only dark place in Terra that didn’t trigger Roman’s phobia. His first session was the most challenging, by far; he’d panicked so badly, he’d thought he might wind up sedated and strapped to a gurney in the hospital. But once his body had adjusted, and his mind had recognized that this place was the farthest thing from a threat, the chamber had turned into a cradle instead of a snare. Now, his body craved it like it used to crave fighting. Only this was the kind of addiction that didn’t have a million terrible repercussions attached to it.

Darien said, “Anything I should know?”

“Just jump in and relax. You’ll feel brand new after. It’s kinda like having several orgasms in a row.” Roman’s lips twitched. “It’s fantastic.”

Darien smirked. “Fuck, that’s what I need.”

“You could just tell her instead of continuing to torture yourself.”

Darien’s head turned his way in a flash. “Voice down,” he warned in a harsh whisper.

“She can’t hear me. Now get the fuck in there so we can have a break from your attitude.”

“My attitude?”


Darien let go of the doorframe and leapt into the chamber.

The door slid shut behind him, and an automatic lock clicked into place. The image on the wall-mounted screen changed from a green checkmark to a red X.

“I can’t believe you actually convinced him to go in.” Kylar’s voice bounced down the hall. He was heading this way, the others trailing behind him, Eugene practically stepping on his heels.

“It’ll be good for him,” Roman said. “He needs it even more than I do.”

Shay said, “I should try it sometime.” Her hair was all messy, and her skin smelled like almond massage oil.

“Do you get Surges often?” Ivy asked her. Those two were hitting it off really well.

“Too often,” Shay admitted, her eyes flicking to Roman. The look on her pretty face told him her thoughts had strayed to the same place as his—that night in Motel 58…his hand between her legs. “Way too often.”

The whole building shook, as if with an explosion. Shay and Loren steadied themselves against the wall. The lights above their heads flickered and droned like hornets.

Nobody said anything.

Roman turned toward the chamber—

Another boom. The floor trembled under his boots.

Tanya rushed this way, the coil of keys on her arm jingling. “What’s going on? Who’s in there?”

Ivy said, “Darien. What’s happening? Is he okay?”

Tanya pulled the coil of keys off her arm. “We should shut it off.”

Roman blocked her with a hand in front of the scanner. “Leave him,” he said, his focus on the chamber. He could feel the energy—it was a full-blown storm in there. A smile ghosted across Roman’s mouth. “That’s incredible.”

Jack chuckled. “Until he brings the whole building down.”

Another explosion of energy rumbled the floor. Darien’s rings rattled on the shelf.

Loren said, “Is he okay?”