But she tightened her fingers around his. “I’m not afraid of you,” she whispered. “Not anymore.”

“Good.” His throat shifted with a swallow. “I don’t want you to be afraid—not of me.” Steel eyes scanned her face. “I would never hurt you.”

No, he wouldn’t. He’d had his chance, and he hadn’t taken it.

She whispered, “What happened after?”

“I killed four people who were looking for you.”

She inhaled deeply, and said on the exhale, “Did I faint?”

He shook his head. “No. You invited me for lunch.” The corner of his mouth twitched, and she smiled.

“Did I try to run from you?”

“At first.”

“You would have caught me. Easily.”

His brow twitched with thought. “I don’t think I would’ve tried. But I might have followed you around to make sure you were safe. Looking back, I don’t think I would’ve been able to leave you alone, even if you hadn’t asked me out to lunch.” He winked.

“Why?” The word was barely audible.

“I was curious about you.”

“Curious about me? Why? You’re much more interesting.”

He hummed. “I beg to differ.” He studied her for a moment. “I also have a soft spot for humans, I guess. My mother was human.” He drew a breath that sounded shaky. “Human, and fresh out of luck.” He smiled a little, but it was a sad smile, not a happy one. “Just like you.” He didn’t need to add that no one had been around to help his mother the way he’d offered to help Loren.

She realized, then, just how lucky she was. Had anyone other than Darien found her, she’d be dead by now.

The chamber whirred as it shut down, and the little balls of light winked out.

Loren began to slide her hand out of Darien’s, but he kept his fingers laced with hers.

“Let me help you up,” he said. “You’re tiny.” He gestured to the distance that stretched between the floating tabletop and the floor.

“Like a bird?” she joked.

He gave her a smile—a real one. “Like a bird.”

Every time Roman used the Caliginous Chambers, he felt like a whole new person the minute he stepped out.

Loren had finished her treatment about ten minutes ago. She was already dressed and ready to leave—Darien, too—but they weren’t done here. Roman had managed to convince Darien to try Chamber Number Seven, and he wasn’t leaving until his cousin got the hell in there.

Darien stood outside the door that was marked with a seven, shrugging out of his jacket and hanging it on the hook on the wall.

“Jewelry too,” Roman said. “All of it has to come off.”

Darien tugged off his rings. “I just put this shit back on. Couldn’t have told me sooner?” Roman smirked. Darien set the rings on the small shelf and unclasped his three necklaces.

The sight of his jewelry—especially the wing-shaped locket Roman’s Aunt Elsie had given him—reminded Roman of his own. He still felt naked without it resting around his neck.

He looked over his shoulder at Shay, who stood in the waiting area with Loren. She sensed him watching, and turned to look, but by then, Roman’s back was facing her again.

“Boots too?” Darien asked.

“No. You’re good to keep those on.”