She was just another girl. Another beautiful body he’d had the pleasure of touching. He’d been with plenty of women, had done all kinds of kinky shit in the bedroom that made last night look like nothing, so he wasn’t sure why he was so hung up on the little details of their hookup, like the breathy sounds she made when she came, or the way she’d arched into him, her nipples pressing into his chest.

And that little metal ball in her clit.


“They’re starting to leave.” Shay’s voice filled the car—the first sound in over an hour.

Roman cleared his throat. “Yup.”

Where she hid in his shadow, Sayagul hissed and lashed her arrowhead tail. Quit being such a horn-dog! It makes me detest sharing a mind with you.

I haven’t been laid in like a month, he shot back. Maybe that was his problem. Even just the thought of getting laid put him in a state of semi-arousal.

Oh boo-hoo, Sayagul huffed. So hard done by. Get this investigation over with so we can go home. We’ve been away from Pax for three days.

Pax is fine, Roman said. Kylar would have found a way to contact him if anything was wrong. Itzel had control over his car; she could send a message through there, if need be.

But he still didn’t want to be away for long. Five days felt like forever when he had a younger brother to take care of, but he was already over halfway through those five days. Only two left now.

Of course, when those five days were up, he wouldn’t see Shay again. Not that he wanted to. She’d stolen his necklace and blackmailed him. What he should want to do was kill her, like he would anyone else.

Like he should’ve done that first night in the alley. He’d killed people for far less than what Shay had done.

“Is something bothering you?” Shay said quietly.

Roman blinked. “Just tired.” He watched the cars begin to stream out of the gates to the plant as employees ended their shifts.

“I’m glad you’re here,” Shay said, her voice hardly a whisper. He glanced at her, but she was staring straight ahead, hands clasped between her bare knees. “I know this thing between us started badly with the manipulation and threats and stuff, but I don’t know if I could have done this on my own.”

Roman felt an unbidden smile pull at his mouth. “Is Shay Cousens thanking me?” The girl could flip like a light switch; this was a far cry from the Shayla who’d fumed at him by the empty swimming pool.

But fuck if that attitude didn’t turn him on.

“No,” she said quickly. “Just acknowledging.”

It was getting dark. Nearly all the employees were gone, but the road beyond this plant was quiet, not a single pair of headlights lighting it up.

“Why are there no cars coming from the other plant?” Roman said, leaning forward in his seat. He couldn’t see the other plant from here, but it wasn’t far. Maybe thirty, forty minutes if you drove the speed limit. They’d come to this plant first, deciding to tackle them one at a time, but it seemed they’d chosen the wrong one.

He started the car and ripped out onto the road.

Being out here this late, when the shadows were poised to devour them, sent a near constant prickle up his spine. But he fought it, focusing on the white of the headlights bleaching the pavement and the feel of the air in his lungs as he breathed in deeply and exhaled slowly.

At the speed he drove, they made it out to the other plant in no time. As Roman downshifted and rolled the car to a stop out front of a busted chain-link fence, he cursed himself for not coming here first—for not getting to this one before nightfall.

Roman pulled the car around the far side of the building and parked behind a part of the desert mountain that jutted out farther than the rest. No one would be able to see the car from the road or the lot.

The building looked like parts of it had suffered an explosion. Windows were shattered, debris littered the empty parking lot, and parts of the exterior walls were blackened, as if scorched by flame.

There was no one out here. And of course, there were no lights on inside.


Shay opened her door.

Roman’s head whipped her way. “Hold up, small fry. Shut the door.”

She did with reluctance. The dull thump of her door seemed unbearably loud. “This is obviously worth investigating, wouldn’t you say?” she asked.