Not being able to message or call Darien was weird. But he figured everything was going okay; if something had gone wrong, Darien would’ve contacted them by now. While he and the others had their phones shut off and blocked from being tracked by any hackers who might sneak past Tanner’s protection, Max and the rest of the Devils who were still in Angelthene had no reason to stop cell phone use.

Max glanced at Dallas again. “What are you smiling about, Red?”

“I’m making a dating profile for Casen,” she said proudly.

“For the Butcher?” He snorted a laugh.

“Uh-oh,” Dominic drawled. “That’s not going to go over well.”

“Relax,” Dallas said, her smile stretching into a grin as she clicked away, typing way faster than Max could ever hope to. “I know what I’m doing.”

“How are you going to create a dating profile when you can’t use his photo?” Max asked. A photo of the Butcher online? Announcing that he was looking for single women in their late thirties and early forties? That would be a sight.

He signaled to get into the fast lane. Malakai beat him to it, cutting him off again.

Max cursed him under his breath.

“I’m using one of his side profile. See?” She showed him the screen. Yeah, you could barely even tell it was him. Surprising, considering he stood out everywhere he went like a sore thumb.

“How’d you get that?”

“I’m sneaky.” She started clicking again. “I’m texting Sab for ideas—she’s helping me. What do you think his interests are?”

Dominic said, “You mean aside from drugs and alcohol?”

“And fighting rings and porn?” Max added.

“You guys are being very negative. I think he deserves to find happiness, don’t you?” She’d come a long way from the girl who’d called him a ‘BP dealing piece-of-shit’ at the Umbra Forum. From the look on her face, Max knew she was still feeling guilty about that. Dallas was a pro at hiding her emotions, but Max had been with her long enough to know how to read her. She might not be quick to apologize, but she had other ways of showing that she was sorry.

“Shake it up a bit,” Dominic suggested. “Instead of fighting rings, say he’s into wrestling.”

“And concerts,” Max offered. “You could also mention that he likes to travel, but don’t say anything about the drug runs.” His laugh was soon echoed by Dominic. Blue glanced at the Angel in question, but he didn’t explain.

Dallas snickered, and Grim laughed in Max’s shadow. She is going to be in major trouble, said the mountain lion.

Yeah, probably, Max replied. But it’ll be funny to watch.

“You know he’s going to shut that down the minute he finds out about it, right?” Max said to Dallas.

“I’m hoping I can get a few phone numbers before then. Maybe line up a dinner date or two.”

Max had to admit he felt proud of her for thinking of this. And she was right about one thing: Casen deserved happiness. Everyone did, no matter where they’d come from or what hand of cards they’d been dealt. Max didn’t know much about the Butcher’s past, but he remembered Darien mentioning that he had a daughter he hadn’t seen in years.

It was already hot out, the sun beating through the windshield. He turned on the air conditioning for the first time since last fall and stripped off his long-sleeve, leaving only the black muscle shirt he had on underneath.

They were heading out to Foxhill. It would be a long drive, especially with Malakai nearly causing accidents every few miles with his aggression, but Max had faith that soon they’d find answers about Maya. And with Blue here, getting better at communicating with them every day, he had even more faith.

He just hoped the others would be fine in Angelthene. Not once had they been scattered like this—not since before Darien had formed the Seven Devils and turned them all into a family—so it felt weird to split up.

He glanced at his watch. It was early afternoon. Soon, Travis and Lacey would be leaving Hell’s Gate to follow their lead. He hoped they’d all be served a healthy dose of luck today.

And answers. Lots of them.

Travis Devlin tried not to grimace as he scanned the assortment of vintage dolls in Jewels Delaney’s bedroom.

He felt like all those glass eyes were watching him. Especially when Jewels headed to her dresser to grab something from her jewelry box and her hip knocked into one of the dolls, causing its eyes to roll.

He shivered. “Yeesh.”