“Take off the cuffs,” Finn said. His voice was strained, and sweat beaded on his forehead. The officers stared at him with blank looks.

“Solace?” one ventured.

“Take off the cuffs! You’ve got the wrong guys.”

“How do you know?”

When Finn replied, his eyes were on Darien. “Because they’re not that fucking messy. Let them go, you’re wasting everyone’s time.”

Darien smiled and held his hands out in offer, broken chains dangling.

One of the officers pulled out a set of keys and stepped forth. He unlocked the cuffs and pulled them off, stepping back as soon as he was able.

Darien rubbed at the lines in his wrists. “My brother-in-law, if you please.”

The detective to the left stepped up to Finn’s side. “But we haven’t talked to him yet,” he hissed in Finn’s ear.

Finn exploded. “For god’s sake, would someone go un-cuff Steele?”

The lone female officer in the group left. A moment later, she returned with Jack in tow.

Darien nodded. “Jacky.”

A smile pulled at Jack’s lips as he took in the scene. “Looks like all the fun was happening in here.”

The detective, still gasping and rubbing the vicious red lines in his throat, squeezed out, “He’s full of shit. They can see through the mirrors.”

“They’re Darkslayers,” Finn retorted. “What’d you expect?” The term ‘Darkslayers’ was a bit broad and understated their reputations, but Darien would take it. Finn’s dark eyes snapped to Darien’s face. “Come with me.”

One of the officers tried to follow. “Solace?”

“Leave us.” Finn made for the door, glancing over his shoulder at Darien and Jack as he went, the look probing.

They followed. Darien sensed a few officers trailing them, but they soon stopped, finally listening to Finn’s orders.

Finn paused at a room on the way out and grabbed their things—jackets, weapons—and gave them back.

Darien checked his wallet before sliding it into his jacket pocket.

Finn said, “No one took anything.”

“I’ll be the decider of that.” He holstered his weapons and put on his jacket, Jack doing the same.

When they were done, Finn led the way out of the room.

Darien walked at his side down the corridor, Jack just behind them. “If you think this makes us even, you’ve still got a long way to go, Finn,” Darien said, voice low.

“I wasn’t trying to get even. Just trying to right a wrong.”

“How orderly of you.” They walked in silence for a minute. “Any more demons since Paradisi?”

Finn shook his head. “None yet—knock on wood.” He glanced at their surroundings. “Anybody got any wood?”

Jack grinned. “Not right now.”

They passed the desks scattered throughout the big room at the front of the building, and Finn rapped a knuckle against the side of the first. “Thought you’d like to know the one you killed wasn’t the same as the first.”

“What do you mean?”