Tanner said, “You wouldn’t happen to know where Roman is, would you?”

“He texted me a few hours ago,” Kylar replied. “Said he’ll be out of town for a few days and won’t be answering his phone. He gave me termite duty.” He went for Eugene’s head again, but the kid ducked right on time.

“Did he say why he decided to piss off?” This question came from Jack.

“He didn’t tell me anything.” Kylar’s eyes found Darien’s. “Getting back to the Caliginous thing. You need to use the chambers so you can try and wake her up?”

“Yes. Think you can take us there?”

Kylar checked his watch. “They close at nine every night. I think we should wait until the last hour; it’s usually pretty deserted by then. I’m guessing you don’t want to be seen?”

“By as few people as possible,” Darien confirmed.

“Then let’s do it that way. Tanya should be working—she’s kind of a friend of mine and Roman’s. I don’t think she’ll have a problem with us using…what did you call it?”

Tanner said, “Roark called it a ‘Reverse Chamber’.”

“Reverse Chamber,” Ky repeated. “Alright. Usually, it’s hard to get appointments there unless you’re a member, but Tanya should be able to help us out.”

“Is Roman a member?” Ivy asked around a yawn. She leaned into her husband, looking like she could use a nap.

Paxton piped up. “Can’t they just use Roman’s spots, then?”

“Doesn’t work that way, termite,” Kylar said. His eyes flicked up to Darien’s. “But, like I said, I think we can work something out with Tanya. Roman’s leant her some money in the past, and hasn’t asked for anything in return except some free treatments, so she’s not really in any position to refuse.”

If she did refuse, Darien had a few ideas, and he planned on exhausting all his options until he found one that bloody well worked.

They had several hours to kill, but the moment eight o’clock rolled around, he’d be at the doors of Caliginous on Silverway.

And he wouldn’t leave until he got what he wanted.


The Desert


Shay leaned forward in her seat, peering at the map displayed on the screen that was set in the dash of Roman’s car. Twilight was gaining on them with swift heels, but the sun dipping toward the horizon still shone so brightly it made it hard to see the screen.

“I swear that dot keeps getting farther away.” Shay slumped against her air-conditioned seat with a sigh.

“I swear I’ve heard you say that like six times already,” Roman replied.

She scowled at him.

He spared her half a glance. “Your face is going to get stuck like that.”

“That’s my line.” She picked up her purse off the floor and took out her medication.

“What’s that?”


“I have eyes, you know. What’s it for?”

She shot him a hard stare. “Do you always go around asking people what their medication is for?”

He shrugged. Back to silence, then.