Darien managed to choke out, “I found Maya.”

This time, Max actually swayed. “What?” he whispered. The fire he’d gone to had yielded nothing of interest, but the other…

Max’s must have been a decoy. If he’d gone to the other one…if Darien had sent him to that one instead of going himself… Fuck, for one, Darien’s hand wouldn’t be broken. And two…

Max would’ve got Maya back. Would’ve seen his sister again.

“It was her,” Darien said, forcing a swallow. “She ran, though. I couldn’t catch her.” He winced, nearly doubling over. “I need to get to the hospital.”

The street beyond the gates rumbled with a motorcycle’s approach. A moment later, Malakai pulled in, Aspen on the bike with him. That made Jewels and Travis the only people who weren’t back yet.

As Darien and Tanner made for Darien’s car, the front door to Roman’s house opened, and Dominic appeared, Blue at his side.

“Oh my god,” Shay exclaimed, gravel crunching under her feet as she approached the front steps, her green eyes fixed on Blue.

Blue shrank under the scrutiny, the eyes of the Angel at her side flicking warily between Blue and Shay.

Behind Max, further down the driveway, Roman got to his feet.

And the Shadowmaster began walking over, gravel crunching under his swift boots, the minute Shay choked out, “You’re that girl.”

Roman glanced between the blue-haired girl tucked against the Angel’s side…

And Shay, who had never looked more terrified and confused.

When he’d made it back to the house, he’d opted to stay outside and smoke, where he couldn’t hear the sound of Darien screaming. Call him weak, but his own night had been so awful, he couldn’t stomach any more suffering, especially not when the person suffering was someone he cared very much about. And because he’d opted to stay out here, he hadn’t yet been introduced to the Head of Death’s Landing—Dominic Valencia—and his blue-haired tagalong.

So he’d had no idea. No idea that the girl the cops were looking for was right here in his own house. No chance to prepare Shay or find out what in the hell was going on.

“You’re that girl,” Shay repeated, the yard silent. No one spoke, though a few glanced at each other in confusion. Even Darien and Tanner were lingering, car doors open—waiting to see how this would unfold. “You’re wanted—you…I’ve seen you on TV.”

The Angel wound an arm around the waist of the blue girl. Everything about her was blue—eyes, hair. Even her nail beds. “Everything they’ve said about her is a lie,” said Dominic Valencia. He spoke calmly, but Roman recognized the warning in his eyes and the twitch of his wings. “She’s not dangerous, I promise.”

The blue one was the next to speak, those electric-blue eyes glued to Shayla. “Anna?” The inquiry was hushed. Timid.

Roman heard Shay’s heart stop. Stumble. Hells, Roman’s stopped too.

The blue girl edged around the Angel. “Are you…Anna’s sister?” she ventured, every word lilted with a thick accent Roman couldn’t pinpoint.

“Yes,” Shay choked out, her body visibly trembling. “Yes, I am.” She took a step. “Do you know where she is? Is she okay?” Silence. “Where can I find her?” Her next step brought her closer to Roman—so close, he could feel the sheer agony and pure, desperate hope ripping through her.

This was going to hurt real fucking badly.

“Please.” Shay’s voice turned thick and wobbling. “Please—I’ve been looking all over for her. Please, can you help me find her? I’m so worried about her. I just want to bring her home—please.”

“She was there,” the blue one whispered. “At the motel.”

“Yes,” Shay urged, the word cracking like glass. Roman’s heart cracked with it. “Yes, that’s right—she was at the motel. Where did they take her? Where is she?” Shay’s lip wobbled, and tears began to fall.

The sight of her in pain was a knife to Roman’s gut.

“I’m so sorry,” the blue girl whispered, her own eyes filling with tears.

Roman felt Shay’s reaction as intensely as if it were his own. Felt her heart splinter into too many pieces to count.

Roman stepped toward her. “Shay—”

Shay turned and bolted down the driveway.