“Tell me why, Roman. What does your dad do to him?”

The pacing continued. “Nothing, as long as I’m there.”

“What does that mean?” Darien’s eyes flicked over Roman—and narrowed in on the weird scars on his arms and shoulders, partially hidden by tattoos and other, far more ‘normal’ scars. “Where’d you get those scars?” Silence. “Where’d you get those scars, Roman?”

“I’m a Darkslayer—all Darkslayers have scars.”

“Not like those.”

“Lay off it!” Roman barked, his boot screeching on the ground as he brought his pacing to a halt. “I don’t feel like talking about this shit right now—okay? I’ve got bigger problems than some old scars.”

“I bet not all of those are old.”

“Look—” Roman struggled to breathe. “Just because you got your old man killed with some freak stroke of luck, doesn’t mean you can talk to me as if I’m living my life incorrectly. In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been fucking stuck here. I’ve had everything taken from me, and I’ve only stayed because of Pax. I’ve only put up with my dad’s shit because of Pax. You were just as afraid of Randal as I am of Don. So don’t,” Roman concluded, panting through his teeth, “talk to me as if you suddenly have all the answers.”

Darien gave his cousin a moment to breathe. They faced each other, but while Darien stared at Roman, Roman looked at the floor.

And then Darien made his offer. “I’ll do it.”

Roman’s eyes snapped up to his face. “Do what?” His voice was hoarse, the defeat in his eyes excruciating to see.

“Kill him.”

“What, like I can’t?”

“I didn’t say that. I just want you to know that the offer’s there, if you decide to take it. Just say the words, Roman, and I’ll do it.”

“And I’m supposed to feel good about that? I’m supposed to just let you walk into the House of Black and start a bloody war? Who’s going to clean it up after, Darien, huh? Who’s going to clean it up?”

“We’ll deal with it when the time comes.”

“Great,” he said, his tone sarcastic and scathing. “Just peachy. You’ll fight my battles for me, and I’m supposed to feel good about my dad’s men hunting you down afterward? Because they would—you better believe they would. They are lethal.”

“I’m not afraid of them.”

He scoffed. “You’re not a god, Darien. You’re just a man. But you’re also my cousin, and despite all this shit you just unleashed on me, I care about you. And I would never ask you to face someone like Don.” Roman breathed through flared nostrils. “Ever.”

Darien stepped up to his cousin. Slowly—closing the distance between them in two long strides. Roman was no longer looking at him. Not even when Darien breathed, “I’m so sorry, Roman.”

Roman’s whole body was taut, and Darien heard the breath catch in his throat from the apology.

Darien continued, “I’m really sorry—I am. And my offer still stands—whether you want to accept it or not.” Roman refused to make eye contact with him. Darien breathed in and forced his own fists to slacken. “And,” he added, his tone dripping with menace, “if Don ever lays a hand on you or Pax when I’m around…”

Roman finally met his intense gaze.

Darien concluded through clenched teeth, “Game fucking over.”

Shay sat on the bed in a guest room on the third floor, resting her bandaged leg. Ivyana Cassel had given her a tour of the house and choice of available rooms, and once Shay had selected one, Ivyana had left to give her some space.

She was still processing everything that had happened. Not just by the harbor, but everything that happened this week too. Her few days with Roman, the mysterious Facility, Anna’s continued absence…

And Shay’s growing feelings for Roman, the man who’d gone looking for her at the harbor—not for his necklace this time, but for something else. Shay wasn’t sure what to call it, exactly, but Roman had come to her because he cared. And she wasn’t sure what to do with that truth.

As if he’d read her mind, Roman appeared in the doorway. “How are you doing, pup?”

She studied him—the crease in his brow, the set of his scarred mouth, the sheer emptiness in his eyes. “The look on your face tells me I’m the one who should be asking you that,” she said.

He made to step in, but paused. “Mind if I come in?”