Loren pinched her solar amulet and held it up for everyone to see. The gesture brought a slight smile to Darien’s lips.

“—to reverse time. And then you used your aura to shield the city from the explosion. And then, a few weeks later, you found out the explosion tore a rip into Spirit Terra. The Blood Moon and the security breach that happened on TV was actually the Veil almost falling, but you closed it—again, with your magic. But your human body can’t handle magic, so it stopped your heart. Darien got it beating again—apparently, with Malakai Delaney’s help, which I find really fucking hard to believe—but you were stuck in a coma. And then these people—” he gestured about the room “—brought you here because Roark Bright, your foster dad, told Darien that one of the Caliginous Chambers might wake you up.” He concluded, “And it clearly did.”

Loren nodded again.

Roman glanced dramatically between her and Darien. “And you guys are not dating,” he stated flatly.

Darien stiffened. “For fuck’s sake, Roman,” he bit out. “Is that all that stood out to you?”

“I’m just bugging,” Roman said, but his tone was still serious and slightly sharp, his mind clearly lost in all the dangerous things they’d just told him about—and they still hadn’t addressed the other issue, the one involving the two Shadowmasters who’d found out about this place—his home. Roman breathed in through his nose and slowly exhaled through his mouth in a rush. “Any other fucked-up shit you’d like to assail me with tonight?”

Tanner spoke for the first time in minutes. “We’re probably forgetting some things, but that’s the gist of it.”

Roman’s gold eyes locked on Darien’s again. “And Randal’s dead. But I already knew that. Was that you?”

Darien shifted his weight. “Not technically.”

Jack said, “He led him into a trap.”

“What sort of trap?” Roman asked.

“Blackgate Manor,” Tanner said. “Demon,” he added.

Roman’s smile was wicked. “That was nice of you.”

Darien smirked.

“No, I’m happy for you,” Roman said. He glanced at Ivy now, who was tapping out piano notes on her knee, her mouth set in a thin line. “Both of you. That was long overdue.”

Ivy inhaled deeply. “It’s nice not having him around.”

Roman’s features sank a little. “Yeah, I bet.”

The living room grew silent. Paxton picked at the loose threads in his sleeves.

Eventually, Ivy sat forward and smiled at Shay. “I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Ivy Cassel, and this is my husband, Jack.” She pointed at Jack, and then pointed at Tanner. “That’s Tanner Atlas, hacker extraordinaire.” Atlas gave a little wave. “And that’s Loren Calla, the remarkable young lady you just heard so much about.”

Shay waved. “Shay Cousens. I’m a Darkslayer for the Riptide.”

“Athene Cousens?” Tanner said.

Shay’s smile was visibly forced. “That’s my mom.”

Roman looked like he wanted to commit mass murder. “Athene’s a bitch.” He told Shay, “You’re welcome to stay here as long as you’d like.”

Darien pounced on the opportunity. “Are you guys dating?”

Roman scowled. “Fuck off.”

Darien chuckled.

“We’re just friends,” Shay said, though she watched Roman with a warmth that Darien could spot from a mile away. “Really good friends.”

Jack offered up another of his famous grins. “A lot can happen when you’re really good friends.”

Roman shot to his feet and made for the kitchen. “I thought you guys had changed, but you’re still the fucking same. Any food left in this house, or did you eat it all?”

“There’s leftover pizza,” Darien said.