Priscilla’s expression was telling. “That sounds an awful lot like the situation involving Anna Cousens.”

“My sister went missing years ago,” Max said. “I thought she was dead, but I have reason to believe she isn’t. If you can tell us anything—anything at all—I would be indebted you. I just want to find her—that’s all I want.”

Priscilla mulled the situation over. She drew a deep breath and exhaled through her nose. “Well. I can tell you the same thing I told the others. Three men and a young, blue-haired lady checked in a few weeks ago. A second woman—Anna Cousens—eventually joined them. When they checked out, they only had the blue-haired one in their company. Twice I observed them leaving; the first time, they were heading that way.” She pointed a wrinkled finger at the endless, empty desert shimmering under the sun. “The second time—the time when they checked out—they went that way.” She pointed now toward Angelthene.

Max motioned toward the empty desert. “What’s out that way?”

She pursed her lips. “Not much. A power plant and some scattered housing.”

“Anything else?” Malakai clipped.

She frowned at him. “You are an impatient brute, aren’t you?”

Dallas stifled a laugh with a hand to her mouth.

When Priscilla’s gaze returned to Max, her expression softened—which was saying a lot, considering the lady was already softer than a mashed potato. “That’s all, my dear.”

He stepped forward and extended a hand. “Thank you. I really appreciate it.”

She shook it, her hand warm. “You are most welcome.”

They left the office. The late afternoon had turned impossibly hotter, and they’d only been inside for a few minutes.

Malakai mimicked in a squeaky voice, “‘Thank you, I really appreciate it’.”

Max glared. “Nobody fucking likes you,” he retorted.

Malakai smiled. “I consider that a very, very big win.”

Max opened the door to the SUV, being careful to keep Blue hidden. “We’re going to have to rent a room,” he said quietly. “It’s getting dark.” Another day with hardly any answers, but tomorrow they’d drive out into that desert.

Dominic’s mouth was twitching with a smile. “Did Malakai totally wreck that for you, or what?”

“Almost,” Max muttered. He turned to Dallas. “Can you glamor her?” he said of Blue.

Dallas took out her magic stave and climbed into the back with Dominic and Blue. “Hold still,” she told Blue. “Let’s give you a new hair color.” She squinted. “How about pink this time?”

Blue eyed Dallas. “Red.”


The Desert


The drive back to Yveswich was quiet—just the way Roman liked it. Only this time, the silence was different. And it sucked—big time.

Because Shayla Cousens wasn’t here with him.

They’d made it to day number four, which was longer than Roman had expected either of them to last before going for the throat. He’d agreed to a sixth day—at least, he’d planned to, once he’d made sure Paxton was safe. But he hadn’t got that far before Athene the-bitch Cousens pulled up.

Shay should be here right now. Bickering with him about the A/C and his taste of music and dots that kept getting farther away on screens.

And telling him that she needed to pee every twenty goddamn minutes.

The front bumper was still scuffed up from her shoe. He had no idea why he never bothered to clean it. He could have done it back in Yveswich, before this trip with her began. And now, he had even less desire to remove it. There was little logic behind it, but that mark was a reminder of her—and there was a shortage of those now that she was gone. The last four days felt like a dream. She felt like a dream.

He tried to force himself to think about something else, but she consumed his every waking moment. And now that he’d felt her gorgeous mouth on his cock, not thinking about her was an even harder task. Fuck, Shayla getting on her knees for him was an amazing start to his day. She was very good with her tongue, her lips. He’d never felt so wholly owned by a woman before—nor had he ever enjoyed it this much.