She stopped several feet away from him. “What?”

“Have you taken your medication yet today?”

“No, why?”

He gestured to the pool, the rings on his fingers reflecting the bright sunlight. “Fill it up.”

She blinked. “What?”

“I’m giving you a magic lesson.”

“That’s what you call a magic lesson?”

He merely inclined his head toward the pool. “Fill it up,” he repeated.

“You’re going to just stand there and bark orders at me? No instructions, nothing?”

“Fill it up.”

“Gods, you are such a parrot!” she snapped.

He walked to one of the poolside loungers, plopped himself down, and retrieved the beer he’d left on the ground.

“It’s eight in the morning,” she pointed out.

He took a swig. Rested the bottle on his thigh. “Fill it up.”

“You get to drink while I bust my ass practicing magic?”

“Quit complaining and fill it up.”

“If I hear you say that one more time—”

“Fill. It. Up.”

The blood in her veins boiled. It felt like her head was going to explode.


“Roman,” she warned. Lightning prickled in her palms. So much for all that work they’d done last night.

All the work he’d done. With that hand that was wrapped around the beer bottle. That big, rough hand.


“It,” Roman continued, a wicked glint in his golden eyes. Her blood became scalding, and the lightning in her palms crackled up her forearms. “Up—”

A crack of thunder severed the sky. The sound was so loud, Shay’s stomach and heart leapt in unison, a chill skittering across her skin.

She looked up in disbelief—at the clouds that were gathering above a landscape that never saw rain.

When Roman smiled, Shay couldn’t help but smile back.

He lifted his beer to her in a toast. And then he drank, long and deep, as the first drops of rain fell from the sky.

“I cannot stand you!” Shay thundered.

The rain had stopped after only a few minutes, and Roman had immediately taken to berating her for her ‘indolence’. They stood across from each other by the pool, nearly chest to chest, both red in the face from screaming at each other.