“That is way too loud. Turn it down.”

The Hob poked a button on the remote.

Well, that was easy.

“Thank—” Darien shut his mouth as the volume didn’t go down—it went up. “Down!” he growled. “Turn. It. Down.”

Itzel merely leaned back against a throw pillow, crossed her legs, and turned her attention to the movie, tiny hand reaching for an ice chip. Slowly, she put the chip in her mouth and chewed.

She didn’t look his way again.

Darien shook his head. “Unbelievable.”

Bandit stirred in Darien’s shadow. Shall I eat her?

“Tempting,” Darien muttered.

Bandit licked his chops. Say when.

A husky laugh came from behind him. Darien turned to see Kylar standing at the top of the stairs.

“Told you she’s loud,” said the Shadowmaster.

“Is she like this every night?”

“Without fail. You should see her on Tuesdays.”

“What happens on Tuesdays?”

“Pots and pans orchestra.”

Darien dragged a hand down his face. “My gods.”

“Want some earplugs?”

“Do I.”

He followed Kylar upstairs and into the washroom, where he threw open a drawer to reveal packs upon packs of brand-new earplugs.

“These are all here because of Itzel?”


Darien scanned them. “Which are best?”

“They’re all pretty well the same. I’d recommend using these and also putting up some magic until you fall asleep.”

“Don’t tell me you can still hear her through these things.”

Kylar smiled, the diamond in his tooth sparkling in the bathroom light. “I won’t tell you.”

Darien grabbed a couple packs and made for his room. “Thanks, Kylar.”

“See you in the morning.”

“If I’m still alive by then.”

Kylar’s chuckle chased him into his room as he shut the door. He checked on Loren, and then ripped open the pack of earbuds and stuffed them in as far as they could go.