I take a seat beside him. I smooth back the fuzz on his forehead. He is both sweaty and cold to the touch. It won’t be long now. We both know it.

Paul: “Promise me you won’t blame yourself for this. Promise me you won’t use it as a reason to drink. Come on, Frankie. Promise me!”

“I liked Livia,” Deke murmurs now. “So fucking smart. Was I ever that smart?” A bloody smile. “She got all bent out of shape over fake licenses... bad merchandise. I told her she should fix it. She could do better. I could get her the equipment. I could get her whatever she wanted.”

“You set her up to manufacture fake IDs.”

“Rough start... these new state licenses. Not as easy as they look.”

I nod, stroking his damp cheek. His eyes are closed. His breathing rougher.

Paul: “I’m glad you called tonight, Frankie.”

Me, crying hysterically.

“I’m happy you still trusted me that much.”

“Livia brought in a friend. After school. Worked on it together. Got to a point... Product wasn’t half bad. I brought the fakes to my suppliers... went into business. But soon... not enough. These guys, real counterfeiting pros... wanted Real IDs. Something bigger, better.”

Deke coughs wetly. More blood, dribbling from the corners of his mouth.

Paul: “I’m thirsty. So thirsty. Do you have any water, Frankie? Can you get me some water?”

“What happened, Deke?” I stroke his cheek.

“They demanded a meeting... with my source. But Livia, too scared. Angelique showed up in her place. She had... a new plan... not Real ID. Couldn’t”—he breaks off, coughing again—“be done. Visas. Student visas.”

“Angelique figured out,” I provide for him, “that forging a visa would be just as difficult as a Real ID. However, she could create an entire fictional college that would issue the application documents needed for a real visa.”

Short nod.

“Why a college for student visas, versus green cards?”

“Student visas... less scrutiny. And so many colleges. Easier place... to start. Plus, Angelique’s idea. She wanted. For herself. Her brother.”

“So this was the initial offer. Get these documents right and not only make huge sums of money now but set the stage for larger money later. Except they didn’t let Angelique come home from that initial meeting, though, did they?” This much Lotham and I had already figured out. “Angelique’s grand idea put more at stake. So big bad associate guys decided to protect their investment by keeping her. Which also provided leverage to force Livia to engage.”

Faint nod. Deke’s breathing is ragged. I can hear the beginnings of a rattle.

Paul: “Hold my hand, Frankie? Please. Just hold my hand.”

Me: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

“I know. And I love you anyway. I’ve always loved you anyway.”

“But progress wasn’t happening fast enough?” I push now. “So they grabbed Livia anyway. Forced her and Angelique to work day and night?”

“Livia wasn’t doing... so good. The pressure... They got nervous. Worried she’d tell. Took her, too. Stuck ’em both in an abandoned building. One leaves... The other suffers... Couple of guys standing watch. I tried... when I could. Give them some breathing room. Let Angelique out... but she had to come back. She always came back.”

“For Livia,” I supply.

“She... she loves Livia.”

So he knew, then. How much Angelique and Livia meant to each other.

“What happened?” I asked, stroking his cheek. Not much longer now.

“I thought I could keep Livia and Angel safe. I thought...”