But I already know he’s not. He is gone; Cook is gone. It’s just Hélène and me. Again.
I hobble forward. I ignore the detective who is hissing at me to stop. I ignore the gawkers who are staring at a woman who was never my friend, but my sister in pain.
I move till I’m right beneath her body. Till I can look straight up and see what he did to her. Poor Hélène. Beautiful Hélène who was so afraid. If she hadn’t fled the kitchen yesterday. If she’d just stayed with me.
I stretch up now. I don’t mind the blood. I have seen it, cleaned it, felt it running down my own wrist. Blood is nothing to fear. People are.
I place my hand gently on Hélène’s bare foot—all I can reach.
And I promise her, as I have promised the others, I will not rest, I will not retreat.
I’m going to kill the Bad Man. I don’t know how. I’m weak and gimpy and small. I don’t know knives the way he does. I’ve never held a gun. I have no idea how to fight. I’m just me. Wordless and helpless.
But I do have one thing on my side. I don’t care if I live or die. What future is there for me, really? I don’t need to survive. I just need to take him down with me.
For my mother. For myself. For all of us.
I will make him pay.