Page 60 of Nerdy Boy

Ezra groaned and opened his eyes, jerking in surprise at the sight of me. “Is it the weekend?” he asked, his voice husky with sleep. My dick hardened at the sound. Fuck, Ezra’s sleepy voice was erotic as fuck—so deep and raspy, sounding like he’d just chewed on gravel and decided to swallow it.

“No. I finished my finals and decided to come spend time with you guys,” I partially lied. I cupped Spencer’s cheek and softly pressed my lips to his, not giving a single fuck about his morning breath. “Good morning, pretty boy.” Leaning over Spencer, I kissed Ezra. He slid his fingers along my jawline as our lips met.

“We still have finals today,” Ezra grunted as he sat up, leaning against the wall the bed was against. Spencer sleepily sort of wrapped his body around mine, his head resting on my chest. I ran my fingers through his dark hair. He frowned. “Where are you going to go while we’re in class?”

I smiled and dug around in my pocket for the two sets of keys I had copied for the apartment. I held them up on my index finger. “I have a surprise for both of you.” Ezra cocked his head to the side the slightest bit. “I got us an apartment. We don’t have to be apart anymore.”

Spencer shot upright, almost knocking his head into my chin, though I jerked back in time. He stared at me with those wide, pretty eyes I spent most nights dreaming of and missing desperately. I sat up as well, unable to keep the smile off my lips. “You’re moving here?”

I nodded and dropped one of the keys into his palm. “Yes, pretty boy. I’m moving here. I already have a job, and your dad helped me get the apartment set up. Boxes are still everywhere, but the furniture is together.”

Spencer straddled my lap and wound his arms and legs around me, burrowing his face in the crook of my neck. Being away from each other had been hard as hell, but out of the three of us, Spencer had the roughest time. I didn’t know how it happened, but our boy had become codependent as fuck.

Ezra and I secretly loved it, even though we both knew how unhealthy it was.

“Well, fuck,” Ezra said, grinning at me. “This is amazing.” He took the key I held out to him and looked down at it. “Our first place together.” He glanced up at me. “I’ll be covering my portion of the rent and expenses.”

I rolled my eyes. “Ezra?—”

“No,” he told me sternly. “We’re a team. And trust me, I’m sure the expenses will barely make a dent in my monthly allowance.” His tone was sour as he spoke, and I sighed, reaching over to gently squeeze his thigh. Spencer looked over at him with a small frown. Ezra pushed his index finger to the corner of Spencer’s mouth, lifting up one side until Spencer laughed softly and smiled on his own.

Ezra’s parents had taken to materialistically loving their son, and Ezra was bitter as hell over it. Instead of them coming home for holidays, they shot him a text once in a blue moon and deposited an obscene amount of money into his bank account every month.

Some people would love that, but Ezra had confessed to us more than once that he’d rather be poor and have his parents’ love than be wealthy and lonely. Granted, he wasn’t lonely anymore—not with me and Spencer. But I understood.

Unfortunately, Ezra and I both knew what it was like to miss out on love from our parents.

I was so fucking glad Spencer had been spoiled rotten and adored his entire life. Sure, he’d lost his mother before he should have, but when he and Jaxon spoke about her, it was with love and adoration, and through the stories, I knew they’d made a lifetime of memories with her.

“Fine,” I grunted.

“And I’ll be paying for a cleaner to come in once a week to clean the apartment,” Ezra announced. He grimaced. “I hate cleaning.”

I snorted. “Same. Cleaning sucks.”

“You two are lazy,” Spencer muttered. I lightly smacked his ass, and he wiggled on my lap, his cock plumping. “You keep doing that, and I’m going to miss my first final of the day.”

I snorted. “No sex until we get to our place this evening.”

Ezra huffed, rolling his eyes. “You’re no fucking fun.”

I grinned at him. “Oh, I’m plenty of fun, babe,” I teased. “I’ll show you later today.”

Ezra winked at me. “I’m holding you to it, or I’ll record Spencer and I having sex while you’re at work as a tease.”

I groaned. I still had that video saved on a password-protected folder on my phone, and the number of times I’d jacked off to it… I should have been ashamed of myself. Ezra and I had a fight earlier that day so bad, he hung up on me and wouldn’t answer my calls when I called back. I couldn’t even tell you what the fight was about; shit was rough when we were apart, and we all tended to lash out at each other because we were so damn miserable.

And then he sent me that fucking video of him fucking Spencer from behind to tease me, especially since he knew we wouldn’t be seeing each other until Thanksgiving break due to my externship on the weekends.

“If you do that, I’m going to fuck you so hard, you can’t sit,” I promised him.

Ezra licked his lips, his eyes darkening. “Is that supposed to be a threat?”

I eyed his stiffening cock tenting the front of his boxers. “Test me and find out.”

Spencer’s phone went off, his annoying ass alarm blaring. He groaned and leaned over to turn it off before squeezing me. I wrapped my arms around him, squeezing back. “I don’t want to go to class now,” he grumbled.

Hooking my index finger under his chin, I tilted his head up. “You’ll see me this evening. I promise. I’m not going anywhere.” I softly kissed him. “Get your cute ass up and go take a shower. I’ll shoot you the address to the apartment so you can come over once you’re done with class.”