Page 26 of Nerdy Boy

Except I had to tutor Logan today. Fuck. Which meant the longer I had to wait to eat.

I really needed to get Ezra and Logan on the same schedule. It shouldn’t be too hard to tutor them both at the same time. I was a good multi-tasker.

A bag hit the table with a thump, and I jumped in surprise. Shelby arched a brow at our intruder. Looking over, a smile tilted my lips. Ezra was taking his seat beside me. Logan dropped down beside him. I was pleased to see the bruise didn’t look so bad today. Maybe he’d finally started icing it. For the past few days, it’d been looking rough.

“No lunch?” Ezra asked, his smile dropping from his face as he eyed the empty space on the table in front of me.

I shook my head. “Have you seen the garbage they’re trying to serve us today?”

Ezra shook his head. “I never buy school lunch.” He opened his bag and pulled out a small lunch box. Once he unzipped it, he pulled out two sandwiches, passing one of them to me. “Eat this.”

I looked at Logan as he pulled his hood up and laid his head on his folded arms. “Logan?” I called. He grunted. “You want some food?”

Logan lifted his head to look at me. “You need to eat, pretty boy.”

“Christ, you guys are so sweet, it makes me want to hurl,” Shelby muttered with a grimace.

Logan snorted. “Too sweet for your bitter personality, Shelby?” he taunted.

I opened my mouth to reprimand him for being rude to her when he was the one who’d sat at our table, but she beat me to it, a smirk tilting her lips. “I have on combat boots with steel toes, Barefield. Spencer’s boyfriend or not, I’ll kick you in the balls.”

He winced and didn’t say another word. The sandwich Ezra gave me had been cut into half diagonally, so I took one half and handed it over to Logan. He frowned at me, not moving to take it. I huffed.

“Take the fucking sandwich, Logan,” Ezra told him, obviously siding with me. “Stop being an ass and eat.”

Logan arched a brow at him, but Ezra just stared at him, refusing to back down. My dick twitched in my jeans, and I prayed it didn’t get hard. Not in the middle of the fucking cafeteria. And I knew if Shelby saw it, I’d never live it down.

But damn if those two participating in an intense staring contest wasn’t hot as hell.

Logan relented first and reached forward, grabbing the sandwich from me. “It’s not fair the hold you two have over me,” he muttered.

I snickered. “I intend to take full advantage.”

Shelby elbowed me in the ribs, and when I looked over at her, she waggled her brows at me. My cheeks flamed red. “Not like that!” I hissed at her.

She broke into laughter. Ezra wrapped an arm around my neck, and when I turned to look at him, his lips met mine in a kiss hot enough that my cock hardened, biting into my zipper. I swallowed back a moan.

“I hope you take full advantage,” Logan rasped when our lips parted, his dark eyes blazing with need as he stared at me and Ezra.

I roughly cleared my throat. After twisting the lid off my bottle of water, I greedily swallowed down about half of it, desperately needing to cool my overheated body off.

“I wanted to talk to you about tutoring,” I blurted before either of them could pick up where they’d left off with me. Shelby snickered. I cut her a dark look.

“Right. Tutoring,” she drawled.

“Fuck you,” I muttered.

She cackled.

“What about tutoring?” Ezra asked before taking a huge bite out of his sandwich. I swallowed thickly, my mind automatically going to the gutter. A knowing glint lit up his eyes as he stared at me, waiting for me to elaborate on what I wanted to talk to them about.

I cleared my throat again. Logan snickered. “I, uh…” I rubbed between my eyebrows. It would be great if they would stop distracting me. “Can I tutor you both on the same days? It would free up some time for me.”

“It won’t be too much for you to handle at once?” Logan asked, his playful attitude falling away.

My heart warmed at how much he cared. He hadn’t given me the impression he cared about much when I first met him. Hell, he probably didn’t. But there wasn’t a single doubt in my mind that Logan cared about me. He practically screamed it in everything he did lately.

“No, it won’t,” I assured him. “It’ll be easy enough. We can start today and do tutoring on Mondays and Wednesdays.”