Page 58 of Nerdy Boy

He deserved it.

Logan might have come across as a hard ass to so many people, but deep down, he was just a boy pleading for someone to love him. Only trauma had fucked with his mind and made him think he had to constantly fight. And while sometimes, those old instincts reared their ugly heads, Ezra, Dad, and I had become experts at navigating Logan’s moods.

All Logan needed was reassurance and for us to never give up on him. And I knew we never would.

Ezra was up a few minutes later. His parents claimed they couldn’t make it in time for his graduation due to some business trip. When he’d gotten the call two days ago, he’d been gloomy, aggravated, and sad because his parents couldn’t even be fucked to come see him on one of the biggest days of his life.

Dad was making up for it the best he could though—cheering for Ezra as loud as he’d cheered for Logan and snapping just as many pictures. I saw Ezra smile as he made his way up the steps to the stage, and I relaxed.

Having Dad be proud of him wasn’t the same as his own parents, but I knew for Ezra, it was enough. My dad would never let him down either.

It took a good bit of time before my name was called, and I strode onto the stage. My cheeks heated when Logan and Ezra both jumped out of their seats, shouting and cheering at the top of their lungs, not giving a fuck that the teachers were trying to get them to shut up. The principal chuckled as I shook his hands. “Enthusiastic boyfriends, huh?” he teased.

A blush stained my cheeks. Our relationship wasn’t normal to so many people, but it was normal for us. And we fit together like well-oiled parts. We worked.

The principal and I both smiled at the camera, he wished me luck on my future, and I strode off the stage, my diploma clutched in my hands. I was officially a high school graduate, ready to take on the next step of my life with my boyfriends at my side.

* * *

“What are you—shit,” I hissed as Logan palmed my thickening shaft through my slacks. My back hit the wall of the handicap stall, and then Ezra began to quickly undo the buttons on my dress shirt, his palms running over my skin as it became more and more exposed.

“Just need one more tryst in the school bathroom,” Logan rumbled as he freed my aching cock from my boxers. I moaned into Ezra’s mouth as he kissed me, his calloused hands grasping my sides as Logan dropped to his knees in front of me. His warm, wet mouth enveloped my dick, and I choked, my eyes rolling back in my head for a moment.

Ezra shoved a hand over my mouth and began attacking my neck, biting and sucking, leaving his mark behind on my skin for everyone to see. I groaned against his hand, the sound muffled as Logan swallowed around me.

“Fuck,” I moaned, my hot breath fanning over Ezra’s palm. My fingers dove into Logan’s hair, and I tugged on the strands, my breath panting out of me. My balls drew up tight, and Logan did that fucking tongue thing he was an expert at, and I exploded, my cum flowing down his throat. He gripped my thighs, eagerly swallowing everything I gave him before he released me with a pop, smirking up at me.

Somehow, even on his knees for me, he still managed to look like he was in charge. I loved it.

“Help me get his clothes fixed,” Ezra commanded. He traced one of the hickies he left on my neck, a smirk tilting his lips. “Anyone is going to take one look at you and know you’re taken.”

“Fucking good,” Logan grunted as he tucked my shirt into my slacks. I felt like a limp noodle, so I didn’t even bother trying to help them. My fingers didn’t even feel connected to my body. “I want the entire fucking world to know he’s taken.”

I arched a brow at him, a lazy, sated look on my face. “Possessive much?”

Logan pressed a hard kiss to my mouth, the smack echoing in the empty bathroom. “Very.”

Dad was waiting for us in the parking lot, and he took one look at my neck and scowled. Ezra proudly grinned, his arm winding around my waist to pull me into his chest. I ducked my head, my cheeks on fire. “Fifteen minutes. That’s all it would’ve taken to get home,” Dad muttered. “Do you know the trouble you three could’ve gotten into if you’d been caught?”

Logan scoffed and ruffled my hair. “As if I’d ever let my cute ass boyfriend get arrested.”

Dad pinched the bridge of his nose before spinning on his heel and yanking open the driver’s side door of the car. Logan snickered and winked at me. “It’s so fun to get him riled up.”

I covered my blushing face with my hands as Ezra opened the door to the backseat. “How bad is my neck?” I mumbled into my hands as Ezra slid into the backseat.

Logan’s grin just about split his face. “Oh, babe, your neck is covered.”

I groaned and dropped into the seat next to Ezra. Logan cackled as he slid in beside me, shutting the door after. Dad shook his head and sighed. “You three are a nightmare.”

Logan just winked at me like we were sharing some secret. I groaned and leaned my head on Ezra’s shoulder. Ezra and Logan laced their fingers together on my lap, proud smirks displayed on their lips.

* * *


My bottom lip trembled as I loaded my last suitcase into Ezra’s car. Dad said his goodbyes to me before he left for work, giving me a credit card and snacks for the road as he did.

I didn’t want to leave home. I’d been dreading this day for months now—ever since Logan decided he was going to stay here and go to college. I wanted this for him, but that didn’t mean I was ready to leave him behind.