Page 56 of Nerdy Boy

“One more set,” I told Ezra as I grabbed the bar again.

He nodded, his hands out to spot me again. I got to the seventh rep, and my arms began to shake. I’d pushed myself a little harder today, wanting to build up my muscles so I wasn’t such a scrawny guy anymore. So what happened to me had less of a chance of happening again.

But every time I increased my weight, it took a minute for my body to adjust.

Ezra straddled my thighs before settling himself on my lap, his hands grabbing the bar beside mine. My cock hardened instantly, and I heard Spencer curse. “Come on. Just three more,” Ezra encouraged, helping me lift the bar. “One.” We brought it down before raising it again. “Two. You’re doing fucking good, baby,” he praised as we brought the bar down again before raising it up once more. “One more. Three.” We set the bar down, and Ezra gripped the side of my neck, leaning down to kiss me. “Proud of you.”

I grasped his waist. “I don’t have a praise kink,” I partially lied. Partially because it didn’t get me as hot and bothered as it did our boy, but it did affect me.

Ezra just smirked and rolled his ass over my hard cock. “You keep telling yourself that, baby.”

“The fuck do you two have to be all sexy and shit for when I can’t join?” Spencer complained as he stepped off the treadmill, wiping sweat off his brow with his towel.

I grinned and stood from the bench once Ezra moved off my lap. Spencer squeaked when I tugged him against me, letting him feel how hard I was. Ezra chuckled as he began to wipe down the bench for me. “Come with me to the showers. I’ll make it up to you,” I said quietly.

He eagerly nodded his head, his eyes brightening. I softly laughed and grabbed his hand in mine. Ezra waved us off. “Have fun,” he teased.

“Oh, I will,” I assured him. Winking, I added, “I’ll even take a picture for you.”

Ezra groaned. “Fucking hell, Logan.”

Laughing, I towed Spencer to the showers, ready to get on my knees for him.




Jaxon placed some brochures and flyers in front of me. I paused with my spoon halfway to my mouth, milk dripping from it as I ran my eyes over them. My lips screwed up in distaste. Fucking college.

“Nope,” I told him, pushing them away. “I’m not going to college.”

Jaxon sighed like I was irritating the fuck out of him. Honestly, I probably was, but I couldn’t really bring myself to care. I was on track to graduate high school but only by a hair. College would be a fucking nightmare to get through.

“These are local schools, Logan,” Jaxon said, taking a seat next to me. “They offer trade programs. It’s not a regular degree like you’re thinking. You could do any of these programs, receive a certificate, and get a decent career.”

“Still have to take core classes,” I reminded him before I shoved a bite of cereal into my mouth, the artificial fruity, sugary flavor exploding on my tongue.

“And I can help you pass those,” Jaxon assured me. “But I think math will be fine for you.” I shrugged. I was decent at math. It was English that I was absolute shit at. Hardly any of the complicated rules made sense to me.

“Still a no,” I told him. I set my spoon in my bowl, arching a brow at him. “I can’t afford college, Jaxon.”

“Which is why we’re going to apply for grants, and whatever grants don’t pay for, I’ll cover. You won’t go into debt over this.”

I frowned at him for a moment. “Why?” I finally asked. “Why are you doing this?” It didn’t make sense to me. I could sort of understand him taking me in when I was injured. I could understand him letting me stay here to finish out high school since I was Spencer’s boyfriend. But I still struggled to wrap my mind around him paying for all of my therapy sessions, and now he was offering to pay for my college, too.

That didn’t make sense to me.

The look Jaxon gave me had that empty spot in my chest—the one reserved for a parent’s love—suddenly filling. A lump unexpectedly formed in my throat. I quickly looked away from him and focused back on my cereal. “Since you’ve been dating my son, Logan, you’ve become family. So has Ezra. You’re a lost kid, and I understand that. I’ve lived it. You’re like my own son, Logan, and I just want to help you. Let me help you.”

I sighed and rubbed at the spot between my eyebrows. “Where am I staying while I’m in college?” I asked in defeat.

“Here,” he told me. I frowned at him. Spencer and Ezra were heading to the University of Florida in the fall, which was quite a drive. A drive I didn’t mind making, but still a drive. I didn’t want to be apart from them. And even worse, I wasn’t sure how Spencer could handle it. My plan had been to try to get the courts to allow me to go to Florida. I didn’t have much faith, but I wanted to try.

Probation was a bitch.

“I know Spencer and Ezra are going to Florida,” Jaxon said, somehow reading my mind. “But for you to attend a school near them, you would need an apartment and a job. I want you to be able to focus on your schooling, which you can do here. I’ll even cover all your expenses for you to go down to see your boyfriends, so you won’t have to worry about that.”