Page 37 of Nerdy Boy



I’d been under the impression that criminal trials took a while to be heard, but Logan’s came fast. Like… three weeks fast. And I imagined that had everything to do with Tyler’s dad pushing for a quick court date to try to lock Logan behind bars.

I was all too aware of how easy it was to get your way when money was involved. After all, my parents used their money and their status all the time to swing things in their favor. I just prayed that this judge wasn’t swayed by money and would give a fair punishment to Logan. Though Logan didn’t seem to think it would happen—not with his record. Even now, I could see that his jaw was tight, his eyes hard. To anyone else, he looked relaxed and unbothered, but I wasn’t fooled. And neither was Spencer.

Spencer tightened his grip on my hand when Logan’s case number was called. Our man stood to his feet. Jaxon had taken him shopping about a week ago to get him a suit, button-down shirt, tie, and shoes to wear for court. Logan, having refused to have his hair cut, was forced to pull the top half back into a tiny ponytail to make him look more presentable.

It was amusing watching him get ready this morning. He couldn’t figure out the tie, the dress shirt was getting on his nerves, and he and Jaxon ended up getting into a heated argument over his hair. Jaxon won, of course. And Logan had even ended up mumbling an apology to Spencer’s dad for being so rude.

Jaxon had just patted his shoulder, told him to breathe, and that it would all be over soon. He was confident that Logan wouldn’t get locked up, but I had no idea how he was so confident in that.

“Do you think he’s going to face jail time?” Spencer whispered, his shoulder brushing mine as he pressed himself a little firmer against me.

I turned my head, pressing a kiss to his temple. “I don’t know, baby,” I said softly. I was really hoping not. It would fucking suck to not have Logan with us, but I wasn’t sure if Spencer could handle it. He’d latched onto both of us so quickly. He’d been a mess the past week as Logan’s court date drew closer and closer, and his clinginess had flown off the scales. I mean, I wasn’t fucking complaining, and I knew Logan wasn’t either, but I wished it wasn’t happening because of his anxiety over today.

“Logan,” the judge sighed, shaking her head, “I had hope that you’d changed a bit since you hadn’t been in my court room in four months.”

Logan carelessly shrugged. Jaxon sighed from the other side of Spencer. “It’s your senior year, correct?” She flipped through a couple of papers. “Oh, your grades are exceptional, Logan.” She looked at him, a hint of surprise in her eyes. “I’m very impressed.”

Logan inclined his head a bit. “My boyfriend has been tutoring me, your honor.”

She smiled. “I’m glad you’re finally taking school seriously. You’re a bright kid, Logan. I don’t want to see that go to waste.” She set the papers down and folded her hands together. “Tell you what. Because of what happened prior to you attacking Mr. Donaldson, I won’t put you in jail.”

Mr. Donaldson, Tyler’s dad, jumped out of his seat. “Your honor?—”

“Quiet!” she snapped at him. Spencer flinched. I gently squeezed his hand, trying to settle him back down. “I will not tolerate disrespect in my courtroom, sir. I advise you to sit back down.”

Mr. Donaldson clenched his jaw but took his seat again. The judge looked back at Logan. “You’ll be on probation for twelve months. You will check in with your probation officer every month. I’m also issuing one hundred hours of community service. You have six months to complete them. If you’ve got time to go to people’s houses and attack them, you have time to help out in the community.”

Logan’s shoulders relaxed the tiniest bit. “Yes, your honor,” Logan said, surprise tinging his voice. Spencer’s leg was bouncing up and down, and when I looked over at him, he had a small smile titling his lips, some of the anxiety slipping from his face. When I glanced at Jaxon, he looked smug.

“And you, Tyler,” the judge said, pointing her finger at the quarterback, “will get three months of probation and twenty hours of community service. You will also pay Logan, Mr. Hart, and Mr. Wreath $500 each for violating their privacy and posting inappropriate pictures of them online. I advise you to rethink your rash decisions in the future.”

Tyler nodded. “Yes, your honor.”

She slammed her gavel on the stand, officially dismissing the two of them. I stood and led Spencer out of the courtroom, stopping in the massive hallway so we could wait for Logan to come out. When he did, Tyler and his dad were right behind him, followed by Logan’s attorney and theirs.

“Do not say a word,” their attorney hissed when Tyler’s dad opened his mouth.

They walked past us, their animosity potent. Tyler cast all of us dirty looks, but I ignored him and moved my body to shield Spencer from the disgust in his gaze.

Logan grabbed Spencer, crushing our boy against him. Then, he grabbed my chin and slanted his lips across mine all while still holding Spencer in his arms. I cupped Logan’s jaw, my muscles relaxing.

He wasn’t going away. We weren’t losing him.

“You three can suck face later,” Jaxon told us. Spencer coughed and hid his face against Logan’s chest. Logan chuckled and cradled the back of his head, dropping a kiss to his dark waves. “If Tyler gives you three any trouble, we need to know immediately. Understood?”

We all nodded. “I’m working on filing a no-contact order. I know school can’t really be helped when it comes to maintaining distance, but he shouldn’t have any reason to speak to any of you,” the attorney informed us. “I’m doing it as a safety precaution. His father is extremely angry that Tyler faced consequences as well.” She pointed a finger at Logan. “Part of your probation stipulation is that your grades must remain up, and if you miss school, you have to have some kind of written excuse that can be checked. So stay focused and attend all your classes.”

“I will,” he grumbled as he rested his chin on Spencer’s head.

“Good. Well, I’m out of here. If you need me, call me.” She handed Logan a card. “Be there at four o’clock tomorrow for your first meeting with your probation officer.”

Then, she was gone. Jaxon clapped him on the back. “Come on. I feel like having a steak.”

My stomach rumbled, and Logan snickered when he heard it. We put Spencer between us in the backseat, both of us grabbing a hand. “Where are we eating?” I asked, my other hand gripping Spencer’s thigh.