Page 29 of Nerdy Boy

“Guess I won’t get high,” Logan drawled, making me laugh.

Ezra rolled his eyes at him. “We could just dance. Have fun. Let loose.”

I shivered when Logan’s warm, minty breath fanned over my ear. “Find a dark room,” he whispered in my ear.

Fucking hell.

“I can hear you, you know,” Shelby deadpanned, giving Logan the stink eye. “I swear, all you think about is sex.”

Logan arched a brow at her. “If you got to feel how tight his ass is when he comes?—”

I slapped a hand over his mouth at the same time Shelby cringed. “Can you just shut up?” I asked, my cheeks red. Logan laughed and licked my palm. I narrowed my eyes at him. “I swear, you say shit just to get under her skin.”

He didn’t even bother denying it—just nodded his head. I rolled my eyes and dropped my hand, wiping my now-damp palm on my jeans. “Just come to the party,” Shelby told me. “It’ll be fun. And even if Logan gets on my nerves with his all-I-think-about-is-sex brain,” Ezra barked out a laugh while Logan flipped her off, “he’s right. Sex in a dark room with your guys dressed in Halloween costumes could be very fun.”

I sighed, trying not to picture that since we were in school—out in the open, at that. “We could just do that at Ezra’s.”

She rolled her eyes and waved me off. “We’ll go shopping after school.” I opened my mouth to protest, but she smacked her hand over it hard enough to make me wince. “No arguments. Your choice is now ripped away by yours truly. You’ll thank me Saturday morning.”

With that, she strode away, her boots thumping down the hallway as she made her way to class. Logan slung an arm around my neck, turning me in the direction of my first-period class. Ezra fell into step on the other side of me with my books cradled in his arm.

“I’m definitely getting high, by the way,” Logan told me.

I snorted and slid my hand in his back pocket. “Would never expect anything less.”

He winked at me.

* * *

This store looked like Halloween had a wild night of hard liquor mixed with dairy, and when it spewed, everything came out both ends and created…this.

Costumes were everywhere, some so damn ridiculous, I wondered if whoever the hell created it was okay.

“Where the fuck have you decided to bring me?” I asked Shelby.

She grabbed my hand and tugged me toward a wall of more damn costumes. “The best Halloween store in the country,” she told me. Turning to face me, she ran her eyes over my body, scrutinizing me. Then, she turned back to the wall of costumes. “Do you have abs?” she asked me.

I snorted. “No. I’m allergic to working out.”

She barked out a laugh and reached up, grabbing a…

“No.” I shook my head when she thrust it at me, a manic grin on her lips. I waved my hands in front of me and slowly backed away. “Not fucking happening, Shelby.”

She thrust the bag at me, slamming it against my chest. It was a fucking Hooters costume, complete with the white socks, orange booty shorts, and tank top, except it’d been cut into a crop top. “You’re wearing that,” she told me.

“No.” I tried shoving it back at her, but she just ignored it and shoved me away from the costumes so I couldn’t even attempt to put it back. “Shelby! I am not wearing this.”

“You definitely are,” she told me as she continued manhandling me to the front counter to check out. “And you’re going to look hot as hell, and you’ll thank me Saturday morning just as promised. Because Logan and Ezra are going to fuck you stupid at that party.”

The guy working the register choked on his soda. I winced. “I am so sorry,” I told him. “She’s just… You know what? This whole damn afternoon is weird as shit.”

He laughed and rang up my costume, eyeing me as he did so. My cheeks heated. “Your friend is right though,” he told me. “Your boyfriends will go nuts when they see you in this.”

“See?” Shelby said as she passed over her debit card. I tried waving her away. “No. Be my luck, you either won’t actually purchase it or you’ll return it.” I sighed. Why was she right?

“You get on my nerves,” I told her.

She laughed. “No, I don’t. You love me.” She grabbed the bag and the receipt after the guy slid both across to us. “Have a good day!” she told him. Then, she grabbed my hand and led me out of the store. “Do you own white sneakers?” she asked.