Page 21 of Nerdy Boy

Logan lit up a cigarette and leaned his head back, shutting his eyes. “Where are we going?” I asked, glancing at him through the rearview mirror.

Logan lifted his head, meeting my gaze before his eyes flickered to our boy in the passenger seat who was watching Logan with sad eyes. Logan reached forward and carded his fingers through Spencer’s hair. Spencer closed his eyes, leaning his head more into Logan’s touch. “Your place is fine,” Logan told me. Then, he patted his lap. “Care to keep me company, pretty boy?”

Spencer glanced at me. I nodded at him, a small smile tilting my lips. “Keep our man company, baby.”

Logan’s eyes met mine again through the rearview mirror, questions lingering in his gaze. I winked at him before Spencer blocked my view of him as he crawled into the backseat. As soon as he was settled beside Logan, Logan turned his body and wrapped himself around Spencer, the cigarette getting flicked out the window without a second thought.

I backed out of the driveway and headed for my place.




Being wrapped around Spencer calmed the turmoil that’d been burning inside of me all day. I probably shouldn’t have skipped school just so I could have had this a lot damn sooner, but I knew if even one person had just looked at me wrong, I would’ve snapped. Hence why I stayed away. I knew the principal wasn’t kidding about expelling me if I fucked up again, and I wouldn’t let anything stop me from being around Spencer—not anything like that.

“What happened to you?” Spencer quietly asked me, his fingertips stroking over my bruised jaw.

I turned my head to press a kiss to his palm. “Some asshole let his fist fly,” I told him evasively.

Spencer sighed and rested his cheek on the top of my head. “Why won’t you just tell us who did it?”

I just shrugged. I didn’t tell him to protect him—to protect both him and Ezra. Sure, I’d been a dick when I’d said Ezra wouldn’t understand what I went through and why I lived where I lived, but truth was, I didn’t want him to have to understand. I wanted both of their lives to continue to be sunshine and fucking rainbows. I didn’t want my shit to even come close to touching them.

As it was, seeing them standing on the busted-up, ready-to-collapse front porch had sent my heart into my throat. Because if they’d shown up just two minutes earlier, shit could’ve gone south horribly fast.

My mom’s boyfriends were fucking assholes. There was a new one all the time and sometimes multiple ones coming in and out of the house. It was hard to keep track of them all.

But they all had one thing in common: short tempers. And I was damn good at pissing them off. If I even so much as breathed wrong, shit tended to hit the ceiling.

I just needed to graduate so I could get the fuck out of that house. Out of this damn town, too.

The rest of the ride was quiet, and at one point, I zoned out when Spencer began running his fingers through my dark, wavy hair. Before I knew it, Ezra was parking the car inside a massive garage. I blinked and slowly sat up as he shut the car off. “We’re here,” Ezra said quietly.

He opened his car door and got out, and a moment later, he opened the door closest to Spencer. Spencer grabbed my hand and slid out, ensuring I followed him. I shut the car door with my hip before following Spencer and Ezra into the house.

Fuck, the place was big. Grand. Every surface shone under the strategically placed lighting. Expensive paintings hung on the wall. Not a single family portrait could be seen. The house was silent and lonely.

So fucking lonely.

I glanced at Ezra. His face was unreadable, but that was everything I needed to see to know. To understand.

We both came from different backgrounds, but the same shit afflicted us. Family. Loneliness. No one around that truly gave a fuck about us.

No wonder we were both clinging to Spencer with both fucking hands. And if we weren’t careful, we’d make our sweet boy bleed if we dug our claws in too deep.

“Either of you hungry?” Ezra asked. And fuck, I hated the way his voice seemed to echo in the specious hallway we were standing in.

“Not right now,” Spencer said. I shrugged in agreement. I hadn’t had anything to eat today, but I wasn’t sure if I could stomach anything yet anyway. Needed a little bit more time for my mind to settle. It’d been running thought after thought through it all goddamn day.

“Come on. We’ll go to my room then,” Ezra said before grabbing Spencer’s other hand in his. He led us to a large, winding staircase done in marble. A burgundy rug made a sort of path up the stairs, and our feet were silent as we climbed the many steps.

“Shit, I need to work out more,” I muttered once we finally reached the second floor. Ezra chuckled, cracking the first grin since I’d seen him this evening. Something in my chest loosened, and my limbs relaxed. Spencer, sensing it, glanced at me and tightened his hold on my hand for a moment.

“Say the words, and we’ll start working out together,” Ezra told me.

I snorted. “I’ll pass.”