Page 16 of Nerdy Boy

Dark eyes met mine through the mirror. “Don’t be so tense, Ezra. I made a promise to Spence. I’m not fucking breaking it.”

I blinked in surprise. “A promise?” I asked. Honestly, I thought the truce during his tutoring session had just been a strange coincidence. I hadn’t expected it to bleed through to today.

He nodded and rinsed his hands. “I told him I wouldn’t start shit with you, and I wouldn’t do anything if you started shit with me.”

I frowned, my chest squeezing the tiniest bit. I’d had a crush on Logan before he outed me to my friends. Everything could have gone to shit because of him. To see him falling so easily for the same guy I was interested in left me feeling displaced. But it wasn’t just because I had competition when it came to Spencer.

It was because I’d lost something with Logan, even if it was just stupid fighting and bickering. And fuck if that didn’t say something about how goddamn lonely I really was. My parents were always gone. I’d gotten more love from my nanny until I was twelve and my parents figured I was old enough to take care of myself at that age. Wasn’t like I had to cook. I had a full staff of people to clean my room, wash my clothes, make my food…

But I was still so fucking lonely. And now, I didn’t even have Logan’s attention, no matter how negative it was.

“I, um… okay,” I rasped, not sure what to do with myself. Logan had ripped something off—a huge piece of gauze—and now I was bleeding all over the fucking place, my emotions threatening to overwhelm me.

He turned to face me, drying his hands on a couple of paper towels. His brows were furrowed over his dark eyes. “You okay, Ezra?”

I swallowed thickly. “Yeah,” I told him. I cleared my throat. “Just a little surprised,” I lied. Well, not entirely. I was surprised by his willingness to call a truce. But that wasn’t why I was a bit unsteady. Why I suddenly felt like there was a big hole in my chest.

“What’s your plan with Spence?” Logan asked, leaning back against the counter. He tossed the paper towel in the trash before crossing his arms over his broad chest. Logan may have been lanky, but he definitely wasn’t lacking in muscle. Or speed. He was more than capable of kicking someone’s ass despite his size.

I would fucking know. Despite being a linebacker and weight training five out of seven days of the week, Logan had kicked my ass a fair share amount of times. He had street knowledge that I evidently lacked.

“Honestly?” He nodded. “I fucking like him. Never felt like this before. He has a way of brightening the room with one of his small smiles. And he’s just… so sweet. I want to protect him. Cuddle him in my arms and shield him from the world and all of its negativity.” My legs twitched with the urge to bolt after confessing… all of whatever that was. To my enemy, nonetheless.

Logan nodded and looked down at his boots. He straightened a bit before looking back at me. “I’m okay with him dating both of us, Ezra. And I’m not pressuring him to ever make a choice. I don’t care how long he dates both of us. I just want him… in any way I can have him.”

I nodded, agreeing with him. “I’m okay with that, too, Logan.”

Logan pushed off the counter, a smirk tilting his lips. And I knew that smirk meant nothing but trouble. Whether that trouble was good or bad was yet to be seen.

“What do you say we get our boy in a closet and get him off before class starts? Make him all relaxed?”

Our boy. Fuck, why did my dick react to that so fast? The thought of seeing him and Logan together… Shiiiit.

“Yeah,” I croaked. I cleared my throat. “Yeah, let’s do that.”

I followed him out of the bathroom, and we walked down the hall together. Sure, everyone stared at us, confused as fuck to see us walking together without throwing fists or yelling, but we both ignored them.

Spencer was standing at his locker, his books clutched to his chest when we spotted him. Shelby was standing with him, and her eyes widened at the sight of us before she nudged Spencer so hard, he winced and smacked her in the shoulder.

Logan chuckled, and a smile twitched at my lips. Spencer was adorable when he got agitated. Turning to see what made Shelby nudge him so hard, Spencer’s eyes widened in disbelief. Logan pushed his locker door shut and smirked down at him, his arm braced above his head. “Think we can have a moment of your time, pretty boy?”

Shit, the sound of him calling Spencer ‘pretty boy’ made my body temperature ratchet up a bit.

He eyed us, his dark eyes flickering back and forth between us. “Both of you?” he finally asked.

I nodded. “Both of us, baby.”

Shelby made a choking sound before leaning in and pressing a kiss to Spencer’s cheek. “I’ll see you later. And you better text me, you hear?”

“Shelby!” he snapped when she quickly began to walk away, a pep in her step. She just waved at him over her shoulder. He sighed, clutching his books tighter to his chest. “If you two fight…”

“We won’t,” I promised him. “We talked and agreed to call a truce.”

“A really good one,” Logan teased, wiggling his brows at Spencer. “Come on.”

“Logan—” Spencer started, but Logan was already pushing him inside the janitor’s closet near his locker. I quickly dipped inside, locking the door behind us. I blinked for a moment, letting my eyes adjust to the darkness. I knew from experience that these closets weren’t very big and tended to be crammed full of random shit.

Spencer’s books smacked to the ground when Logan curled his hand around Spencer’s throat and smashed their mouths together. I swallowed roughly, my heart racing in my chest. They looked fucking perfect together. So fucking beautiful. Logan towered over him—hell, he was taller than most people, even me—but it made Spencer look small, though they were the same size otherwise.