Page 13 of Nerdy Boy


I walked past the library after practice but stopped and backtracked when I saw Spencer sitting at one of the tables through the glass windows. And fucking Logan was sitting right next to him, the two of them looking awfully cozy.

When the fuck had that happened? I knew they’d made out, but Spencer hadn’t mentioned anything else since then. And I’d been trying to be good—keep my distance and not overwhelm Spencer. I’d even been absolutely perfect during our tutoring session yesterday.

But had I just created an opportunity for Logan to move in on him?

Jealousy reared its ugly head, and I stormed into the library, quickly making my way to the table they were sitting at so I could put Logan in his place. Logan looked up first and clenched his jaw before lowering his head to Spencer’s ear, whispering something to him.

Spencer tensed and looked up at me, a wary look entering his gaze that had my steps slowing. Logan protectively wrapped an arm around Spencer’s shoulders, whispering something else to him. I didn’t like the whispering, but Spencer was clearly on edge, which I didn’t like.

I cleared my throat when I finally reached their table, and Spencer tightened his hold on the pencil in his hand, his knuckles turning white. For a moment, I feared it would snap and injure him.

“Hey,” he whispered.

“Hey, yourself,” I mumbled. I gestured to the empty seat next to him. “Mind if I sit?”

He shook his head, and I silently took a seat. After a moment, when Spencer realized I wasn’t going to start anything, they went back to work, finishing up the last couple of problems of Logan’s homework. Logan, surprisingly, didn’t even cast me a dirty look.

It wasn’t like him. None of this made sense to me. And that protective arm around Spencer’s shoulders? It was weird. Logan wasn’t protective of anybody. I’d thought he was just spewing a bunch of bullshit at me when we had our fight, but maybe he really did feel something for Spencer and wanted to protect him.

Couldn’t blame him. My reputation preceded me; I was a man whore—a total fuckboy. But Spencer was…different. I hadn’t even had any interest in anyone except Spencer since I’d seen him.

Well, Logan—but that was entirely different. Logan would forever be unattainable. He wasn’t interested in me. Never would be. We had way too much bad history. It separated us like an ocean. I’d handled so much shit wrong back then, and now, we were toxic as hell when put in the same space.

“You did it,” Spencer told Logan, a beaming smile on his face. And fuck, when Logan returned that smile, my heart flipped in my chest. The two of them together made a beautiful picture, and briefly—for one single, insane moment—I wondered what they would look like as my boys. My guys to take care of and love and adore and spoil.

I blinked in surprise at myself. I was losing my damn mind. Had to be.

“Couldn’t have done it without you, so thanks,” Logan told him as he packed his things away. He stood to his feet before leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to Spencer’s lips that made Spencer blush prettily. And my heart flipped in my chest at the sight of it.

That jealousy I’d felt was nowhere to be found now. In its place was a deep longing that I felt as deep as an ache—like a broken bone. Like I had a body part missing in my chest.

“Text me when you get home,” Logan gently ordered. Then, he turned on his heel and left the library, heading for the exit of the school.

“Well…” I murmured, drawing Spencer’s eyes to me.

“I like both of you,” Spencer blurted before I could figure out what the hell to say. To be honest, I was reeling. Spencer’s cheeks were really on fire now. He blew out a soft breath, his fingers nervously drumming on the table. Finally, he raised his eyes to mine. “Is that going to be a problem?”

Would it? I didn’t think it would. Logan and I would have to figure out how to be amicable for Spencer’s sake, but I didn’t see why Spencer couldn’t date both of us. And anyone who didn’t like it could get straight fucked up. I knew both Logan and I would be more than happy to make someone eat our fists for talking sideways about the sweet boy tutoring us.

“Nah,” I told him, shaking my head. “I don’t think it will be.” I leaned forward and cupped his cheek, loving how warm his face was beneath my palm, that blush still staining his skin. “Do what makes you happy, Spencer.” I grinned at him. “Just as long as it doesn’t require you no longer talking to me.” I winked.

He laughed a little and rubbed his palms along his jeans. “I don’t know what I’m doing,” he confessed.

I shrugged. “Do what feels natural, baby. That’s all you can do. And if anyone doesn’t like it, you just send them my way.”

He sighed and chewed on his bottom lip. I gently tugged it from beneath his teeth before smoothing my tongue over the ridges his upper teeth had left behind. “It feels wrong. Like I’m doing something wrong,” he further explained. “Someone is inevitably going to get hurt.”

I brushed my thumb over his soft cheek. “Baby, that’s just life,” I said gently, hoping to soften the blow. “Someone could get hurt, or everyone involved could be very happy. Don’t be so down about it. Focus on the positives.”

Spencer rubbed at the spot between his eyebrows. “Logan jacked me off in a janitor’s closet.”

I barked out a laugh before cringing, hoping the librarian didn’t come over to reprimand me. She was huge about mandatory quiet. “Was it good?”

Spencer lightly shoved me, and I snickered. Then, I drew him to me for a kiss. But damn, that wasn’t enough. I should’ve known it wouldn’t be.

I was already so addicted to him.