Page 10 of Nerdy Boy

He turned his head, his blue eyes darkened to a stormy gray and filled with rage. I just shrugged at him and thumbed some blood off my lip before sucking the droplet off my thumb. Ezra’s gaze heated as he followed my thumb, and I hated that my dick reacted to the look in his eyes.

Fucking hell, I was a goddamn mess.

“You two just couldn’t go one year without fighting, could you?” Principal Lowry asked as he stepped into the office and walked around his desk. He settled in his chair, shaking his head at us, disappointment clear in his eyes. “I don’t know what it was about this time, nor do I care. I’m letting you both off with a warning. Do not let this happen again, or I will expel both of you, am I clear?”

I blinked, surprised we weren’t getting a harsher punishment. Ezra’s face morphed into one of shock. That was definitely a first. We usually always got suspended after fighting.

Principal Lowry sighed and reached up to rub his temples, casting a glance at the bottle of Excedrin on his desk near his computer monitor. “It’s your senior year. Both of you have a lot going for you,” he explained. “I’m trying to be lenient and give you both second chances to do the right thing. But another altercation, and you’re both out of here. Expulsion. I won’t tolerate more of this,” he snapped, gesturing between us.

I nodded stiffly, expulsion not scaring me in the slightest. It would just be another thing derailing my damn life, but I was used to it by that point. “That it?” I grumbled.

He sighed, nodding his head. “That’s it. Go home. You’re dismissed for the rest of the day. Ezra, I expect you back here for football practice, am I clear?”

He nodded once. “Clear, sir.”

We both walked out of the office and toward the exit of the school. Ezra stumbled to a stop as he looked at his phone screen before turning to me, his features twisted into a snarl. He waved his phone in my face, and I shoved his arm away, my jaw clenching so hard, my teeth throbbed. “This is all your fucking fault,” he snapped before he jogged to his truck, his thumbs flying over the screen.

I didn’t know what the fuck he was talking about, nor did I give a shit. I pulled my own phone out, just now remembering it. I needed to text Spencer—to see if he would let me explain.

A text from him was already waiting on my phone.

Spencer: Our tutoring sessions are over. I’ll be informing the counselor before the end of the day. I don’t know what you two have going on between you, but I will not be thrown in the middle of it. Lose my number.

No. No, no, no. He couldn’t stop tutoring me. He couldn’t just walk out of my life after dropping into it like a bomb, exploding and shifting everything in my life out of place with that beautiful fucking smile and those sinful, kissable lips.

My thumbs hurriedly flew over the screen.

Logan: No. I’m not letting you walk away from our agreement, Spencer.

By the time I made it to my car, he still hadn’t responded. I gritted my teeth and sent another text, not caring how weird and out-of-character I was being.

He was the first bit of light I’d seen in years. I needed him.

Logan: Spencer, I swear to God, I will storm back inside of that school.

Spencer: I already informed the counselor. Fuck off, Logan.





A light knock sounded on my front door. Dad glanced up from his phone, frowning at me. “You got someone coming over?”

I snorted and shook my head. “Dad, I have one friend. One,” I reminded him. “And she passed out on the phone earlier, remember?” I reminded him, mentioning Shelby.

He chuckled and stood up to go answer the door. “Right. Maybe someone has the wrong house or something.” That was probable. It’d happened a couple of times before when people got house numbers mixed up.

I focused back on the movie playing on the TV screen, debating if I wanted to go find something to eat in the kitchen or sweet talk Dad into ordering takeout. My musings were interrupted when Dad stepped into the living room, Ezra right behind him. I lurched into a sitting position, my jaw clenched angrily. Immediately, my mood plummeted.

How did he know where I lived? And why the fuck was he here?

“Um, he’s here for you,” Dad said, looking a bit confused but not questioning me. “I’ll just, uh, go to my room to give you two a minute.”

Dad scampered from the room like his ass was on fire. I glared at Ezra, hating that I melted a little inside at the chocolates and flowers he was holding in his hand. They were chrysanthemums and absolutely beautiful.