I set their plates in front of them once they were both sitting and then grabbed two bottles of water out of the fridge, pouring them into two glasses before setting them to the right of their plates. After, I took my seat beside Theo, which was across from our boys.

I picked up my fork, ready to dig in since my stomach was growling. “Can we go ahead and talk?” Noah blurted, his cheeks turning a bit red. He stared at his plate, too nervous to look at us. I set my fork down. “I can’t eat with this discussion looming over my head.”

Oh, my sweet boy.

“Are you two okay with us wanting you?” I asked bluntly. “I don’t know the dynamics of your relationship together.”

“As long as neither of you tries to stop me from being with Noah, then we can work out all the rest,” Danny answered. He reached up and clasped the back of Noah’s neck, gently rubbing to soothe him. Noah visibly relaxed under Danny’s touch. I wished so desperately it was my touch instead. “He’s always been mine. I don’t mind sharing him, but no one is ripping me from him.”

“We would never,” Theo assured him. “I just want you to be happy, boy.” Danny shivered. “That’s all. And we would love the opportunity to share in your happiness.”

“We would share you two,” I added, picking up where Theo left off. “Just because my connection is deeper with Noah doesn’t mean I don’t want you, too, Danny.”

Danny blinked at me. I knew Theo had said all this earlier, but I guessed it hadn’t really set in with him.

“And same for you, Noah,” Theo gently told my sweet boy. “We love you both. We want you both. Have for two years now.”

Danny blew out a soft breath and looked down at Noah. Noah looked up at him. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed before he nodded his head, murmuring, “Please,” in the sweetest damn voice ever.

Danny leaned down and gently kissed him before looking at us. My heart clenched. Witnessing the way Danny took care of him… fuck, it was beautiful.

“We’ll give this a try,” Danny told us. “But Noah’s needs always come first.” Noah flushed, ducking his head. “Don’t ever forget that.”

“Noah will be well taken care of,” Theo told Danny, a light growl to his words. “But that does not mean your needs will be neglected. Understand? They’ve been neglected for far too long. It won’t be happening any longer.”

Danny’s eyes glistened, surprising the hell out of me. The boy was rarely tender, but as he stared at Theo, I saw what Theo always saw—a boy shouldering everything on his shoulders, no matter how much it weighed him down.

Theo reached across the table and cupped Danny’s cheek, brushing a tear away with his thumb. My heart broke for him. How long had Danny needed someone to lean on, but instead had been neglecting his needs to care for Noah?

“I’m going to take care of you, baby boy,” he promised.

I grabbed Noah’s plate and pulled it over to the setting beside me. He frowned at me as I did the same with his water. “Come,” I commanded. Obediently, my boy got right out of his chair, walked around the table, and came to sit next to me. I slid Noah’s chair closer and then brushed my lips to his temple. “Now eat, baby,” I rumbled.

He softly smiled up at me, his eyes full of wonder, before he focused on his plate and picked up his fork and knife. Danny cleared his throat, looking at me before narrowing his eyes at Theo, who had moved into Noah’s spot and was now jerking on Danny’s chair just as I had Noah’s.

“Dude—” Theo arched a brow at him, and Danny flushed. “Theo,” he corrected, “you could’ve just asked me to move closer.”

“Nah,” Theo grunted, proceeding to loudly drag Danny’s chair across the floor. I snickered. Danny looked back at me, an annoyed frown on his lips, though I knew it wasn’t aimed at me.

Theo was going to have his hands full with that boy.

“I always cut his meat,” Danny told me before swinging his eyes back to Theo, who had jerked Danny’s chair another inch closer.

I coughed to cover my laugh before looking down at Noah. “Would you like me to cut your steak for you, baby boy?”

“You don’t have to,” Noah mumbled.

I chuckled. “I want to take care of you. And if this is a way I can, please let me.”

He silently set his knife and fork down in answer. I pulled his plate closer to me and proceeded to cut his steak. He smiled at me, his beautiful hazel eyes—which were more gold than green—shining brightly when I pushed his plate back in front of him.

“Thank you,” he whispered.

I brushed his hair over his shoulder, fingering a couple of soft curls before dropping my hand. “You’re very welcome, boy.”

We began to talk, conversation flowing easily around the table as we ate our dinner. After, Theo and I cleaned the dishes while the boys went to find a movie to watch.

And getting to cuddle my sweet Noah for the first time ever was a memory I would always cherish. Especially when he fell asleep with his head on my shoulder and his legs draped across my lap, trusting me to take care of him.