Theo arched a brow at him. “Want to test that theory?” he asked Danny. “The bathrooms are right over there.” He gestured toward the restrooms.

Noah made a choking sound that made Theo grin. He looked at Noah. “Want to join if he takes me up on the offer?” he asked Noah.

Noah only managed to squeak. I chuckled and draped an arm over the back of his chair so I could trail my fingertips up and down his upper arm. “Stop teasing him, Theo.”

Theo chuckled and got comfortable in his seat. Danny reached into his pocket for his phone, most likely to play a game, but then huffed. “I left my phone in the car.”

“Good,” Theo told him. Fuck, they were testing each other tonight. It was highly amusing to witness. “You can survive without your phone for a little while.”

Danny cut him a dark look. “You suck.”

Theo leaned in until their lips almost touched. “Want me to?”

“Jesus Christ,” Noah whispered. “Why are they being like this?”

I looked down at him. “Danny has been in a bad mood all day, and he’s seeking an outlet. Theo is that outlet. I promise they’re okay, Noah baby. Just enjoy the show they end up putting on.”

The waiter appeared at that moment with the bottle of wine. “Would you like me to pour it, sir?”

Theo took the bottle from him. “No.”

I rolled my eyes as the boy scampered from the table, but before I could open my mouth to say anything to him, Danny beat me to the punch. “Stop being a dick, Theo.”

Theo carefully set the bottle of wine down. Sighing, I reached over and grabbed it to pour it into our glasses as Theo turned his attention to his boy. “Have you noticed yet that my mood tends to reflect yours, baby boy?” Theo asked him. “You’ve been miserable most of the day, and when I can’t do a damn thing to fix that, it drives me fucking crazy.”

Danny’s lips parted the slightest bit in surprise. Theo cupped the side of his neck. “Seeing you anything but happy makes me want to shred my skin off my body with a fucking cheese grater, Danny. It would hurt less.”

Danny swallowed thickly. “I don’t mean to?—”

Theo sighed and brushed his thumb along the underside of Danny’s jaw. “I know you don’t, baby boy. Trust me, I know. You’re just under my skin. You and Noah? You two make up my fucking heart. Without you two, I cease to exist. That’s the depth of my love for both of you.”

Theo met my eyes, a silent question lingering in them. I nodded once. Theo blew out a soft breath and reached into his pants pocket at the same time I did. Since he was already on a roll, I let him continue speaking. We flipped open the ring boxes at the same time, revealing shining diamond rings. Danny’s was simpler with small stones along the band, no big diamond in the middle. It better suited his personality. Noah’s had a big rock with tiny diamonds around it, which was better suited for his flashy personality.

“We love you. God, you two are the breath we fucking breathe,” Theo said, looking between our two boys. “Life never made sense to us until you two stepped into our office for an interview with barely any qualifications, fresh out of college. The moment we laid eyes on you two, suddenly everything made fucking sense.”

“Marry us,” I finished, looking between the two of them.

“How?” Noah breathed, ever the inquisitive one. Tears glistened in his eyes, threatening to spill over onto his cheeks.

“I will marry Danny,” Theo told him. “And Thomas will marry you. After, we’ll hold our own bonding ceremony to commit to each other as a group.”

Danny roughly cleared his throat, a tear running down his cheek. He cupped Theo’s face in his trembling hands and sniffled. “I’ll marry you,” Danny rasped. He looked over at me. “All three of you.”

Noah sobbed, and lost for words, he nodded at me, agreeing as well. I slid the ring on my boy’s finger and then grasped his face in my hands, smoothing my lips over his.



The diamond ring on my left hand flashed in the lighting of the office as I reached forward to answer the call coming through my desk phone. Thomas glanced at me from where he was standing, staring out over the city while he spoke on his cell phone to a very important client, who had his direct line. Theo and Danny were currently out of the office grabbing us lunch, though I knew it was more because Danny was going a little stir-crazy.

Danny got in moods where he couldn’t stand to sit still. It typically happened when we ended up working long hours, which we had been the past week as Theo and Thomas worked on wrapping up a purchase of another company. He’d driven Theo up the wall with his constant smart-ass remarks, so when lunch rolled around, Theo grabbed Danny by the back of his neck and towed him from the office, leaving me and Thomas by ourselves.

It had taken me a while to get used to the fact that I didn’t have to worry so much about Danny anymore. Even if Theo wasn’t around to deal with Danny lashing out or withdrawing, Thomas was just as capable of handling Danny. I’d never realized how much Danny kept bottled up inside of himself until he was given the option of an outlet through our men.

“Fennigan Tech. How many I help you?” I asked, cradling the phone between my shoulder and my ear so I could finish typing out the email I was working on.

“I need to get through to Theo. Why isn’t his extension working?” an angry man snarled into my ear. I blinked in surprise, anxiety tightening my chest. I never got irate people calling my line—they always ended up going through Danny. He was better at handling this than I was.