I smiled at him. “You were having fun, and honestly, so was I. I needed this as much as you did.”

He reached up with wet fingers to push my salt-and-pepper hair off my forehead, slicking it back. He smiled at me after, looking so damn gorgeous, I almost couldn’t stand it. Fuck, I was a lucky son of a bitch to be able to call this boy mine.

* * *

I unlocked the door to our room and pushed the door open, stepping inside. I toed my shoes off and then waited for Noah to do the same before heading through the sitting area into the bedroom.

Theo was looming above Danny, hammering into Danny’s ass with punishing, bruising thrusts, his hand wrapped so tightly around Danny’s throat that Danny couldn’t drag air into his lungs, and his face was turning an alarming shade of red.

“Danny!” Noah cried, lurching forward. I quickly grabbed him and wound my thick arms around him, holding him against me.

Theo knew exactly what he was doing. He’d never truly harm Danny.

“Look at me,” Theo growled at Danny. Danny’s eyes fluttered open. He was clawing so hard at Theo’s biceps where he was hanging on that he was drawing blood. “You’re mine,” Theo snarled at him. The sound of his hips smacking against Danny’s backside was audible in the room. Noah trembled in my arms, truly scared for Danny, but I knew Danny was okay. He was coherent, and he wasn’t fighting Theo.

Danny wanted this.

“Anyone who thinks you can just be tossed the fuck aside has lost their goddamn minds,” Theo rasped. “You are precious. You are fucking everything, Danny. We’re your family now, you hear me?”

Danny’s lips began to turn colors, pink slowly turning to blue. Theo pushed his leg back to what had to be a painful angle and slammed into Danny’s ass twice more. Danny’s back bowed off the bed, and he shot cum so hard from his cock that it hit him in his chin and neck. Theo released his throat, and the scream that tore from Danny’s throat was fucking beautiful. He was wrecked.

Tears slid down his cheeks, and sobs tore from his throat. I finally released my hold on Noah, and he scrambled onto the bed, hugging Danny to his chest. Theo got off the bed and walked to the bathroom. I followed him, turning on the shower.

“He okay?” I asked Theo.

Theo smirked and nodded. “He’s going to be just fine,” he assured me. “Might have some bruising on his neck, but I think I’ve pulled him out of the funk he was in. Might want to order in though. I don’t know how comfortable it’ll be for him to sit on his ass in a restaurant right now.”

I chuckled and stripped out of my shorts before stepping into the shower. “Send Noah in here,” I told him. “He needs a shower.”

“Danny and I will join, too,” Theo told me before leaving the bathroom.

Noah stepped into the bathroom a minute later and dropped his wet shorts to the floor before stepping into the shower with me. His eyes were a little wild, like he still wasn’t sure he could believe what he’d just witnessed.

“Danny’s neck is bruised,” he whispered, his voice filled with horror.

I hummed and began lathering shampoo into his salty curls. “Trust me—Danny wanted that,” I told him. “That, Noah baby, is the difference between me and my brother. I’m soft. Theo is not.”

Danny winced as he stepped into the shower. Noah was right; his neck was definitely already bruising, and it looked like standing was a bit uncomfortable for him.

Theo stepped in behind him and began wetting Danny’s hair before lathering it with shampoo. “Sorry I’ve been such a dick this week,” Danny apologized out of the blue.

“You went through something traumatic, baby,” I reminded him. “None of us faulted you. We just wanted to help you sort through it. That’s all.”

He turned his head with a small wince and smiled at Theo. Theo grunted and gently clasped his chin, turning his head back around so he could finish shampooing his hair. “Theo helped.”

I chuckled, nodding at his throat. “I bet he did. Noah almost had a panic attack.”

“He was choking you,” Noah told him, his eyes still a little wide. “I thought you were dying, Danny.”

Danny chuckled. It sounded hoarse. No doubt, his throat was sore. “I wanted it, baby. Needed it, actually,” he corrected. He reached forward and pulled Noah toward him a little, leaning down to slant his lips across his. “I’ll cuddle you when we’re done in here to make up for scaring you. Sound good?”

Noah beamed at him and nodded his head. Danny chuckled and pressed a kiss to the tip of Noah’s nose before handing the sweet boy back to me. Then, Danny relaxed back against Theo, allowing Theo to take care of him.

Something that had been tight in my chest since seeing Danny crying his eyes out a week ago on Noah’s bedroom floor loosened, and I felt like I could breathe normally again.

Our boy was finally okay again.