* * *

“Danny, come on,” I said, my voice firm now. I’d been trying to get him out of bed all morning. Noah’s parents were here and wanted to talk to him, but he was being stubborn as fuck. My patience with him was wearing thin.

“No,” he grumbled, tugging the blanket over his head. “I want to lay in bed all day.”

My patience snapped, and I snatched the blanket down to his waist. Gripping his chin tightly between my fingertips, I forced his eyes on mine. His pupils blew out immediately, his nostrils flaring.

Christ, the way he responded to me so easily was beautiful.

“If you do not get the fuck out of this bed right now and eat the food that Noah’s parents have lovingly prepared for all of us, I will yank your pants down and spank you until you can’t sit. Do you want that?”

He swallowed thickly, his eyes flickering between mine. “No,” he finally whispered. The fact that he said no meant he knew I was very serious. This wouldn’t be a fun punishment like I was known for dolling out to him. I meant fucking business.

When I released him, he slid off the mattress and stumbled to the side once he was on his feet. I quickly wound an arm around his waist, tugging him against me. Those damned blue eyes snapped up to mine, his lips softly parted.

“I think I’m a little dehydrated,” he whispered all while his eyes flickered to my lips.

I leaned down and softly kissed him. Our lips worked together soft as a fluttering butterfly’s wings. It was a rare show of tenderness from him, but my boy was fragile. He needed this gentleness right now, and I’d give it to him.

I’d give him anything he needed.

“Come on,” I said softly. “Let’s get changed, and then we’ll go eat breakfast. There’s pancakes, eggs, bacon, and sausage.”

Danny’s stomach rumbled with hunger as he stripped out of his jeans and t-shirt, switching them out for the sweats and hoodie I kept stashed in my car. When he was dressed, I groaned, running my eyes over him. I was a little bigger than him—more muscular—so my clothes were a little baggy on him. But damn, he looked good in my clothes.

He turned his head, sniffing the collar of the hoodie. His eyes met mine after. “It smells like you.”

I grinned. “Is that a good thing?”

He flushed and nodded his head. I grabbed his wrist and lifted his hand, pressing a kiss to his palm. Then, I linked our fingers together and led him out into the kitchen where everyone was sitting at the kitchen table. Danny took one of the last two empty seats, and I sat beside him. Thomas had already cut up his pancakes, and Danny shot him a thankful smile.

“Danny,” Noah’s mom began, “I’m terribly sorry about yesterday.” Danny flinched. I clenched my jaw, settling my hand on his thigh in hopes of soothing him. “Your parents always seemed so supportive. I never thought…”

He swallowed thickly. “Can we not talk about them?” he asked quietly.

I gripped the back of his neck then, digging my fingertips into his skin to ground him. He blew out a soft breath, relaxing beneath my touch.

“I just want to say,” Noah’s dad began, “we still love you as if you’re our own son, Danny. That will never change, no matter what happens. We will always love you and always be your family.”

Danny blinked back tears, a wobbly smile tilting his lips. “Thank you,” he rasped. His hand landed on my thigh, his nails digging in through the sweatpants I was wearing. Sensing his distress, I tightened my hold on him again and leaned over, pressing my lips to his temple.

“Such a good boy,” I whispered in his ear.

The tears left his eyes as he sucked in a sharp breath. I grinned and sat back in my chair, leaving my hand on his neck. I picked up my fork with my left hand and forked a bite of pancakes into my mouth.

Chatter sounded around the table as Noah filled his parents in on what had been going on in his and Danny’s lives lately, and Danny slowly relaxed the rest of the way, joining in on the conversation and finishing his food.

Thomas met my eyes across the table. I nodded once at him.

Danny would be okay, just as I promised.



Danny sighed and slumped in his seat next to Theo. He rolled his shoulders and leaned his head back, shutting his eyes. He already had his Bluetooth headphones over his head, blocking out all sound, which included the flight attendant demonstrating how to use the oxygen masks.

Theo slid his hand over Danny’s thigh. Danny peaked an eye open to look at him, and with one look, they shared an entire conversation. Danny nodded his head before leaning his head on Theo’s shoulder, one hand coming up to wrap around Theo’s bicep.