I nodded. Thomas slid off the bed and then scooped me up in his arms. As Thomas lifted me off the bed, I vaguely heard Theo say, “You were such a good boy for me, Danny. So good. So perfect.”

I blinked, realizing the water had run cold and my cock was hard as steel. Groaning, I turned the water off and stepped out of the shower, quickly drying off so I wouldn’t catch a cold. After tugging on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, I slipped my feet into my slippers and grabbed my first basket of laundry, heading to the laundry room.

I had just pressed the button to start the washer when a knock sounded on my door. I frowned. Danny, Theo, or Thomas would’ve walked right in since all three of them had a key to my place. Who in the world could be at the door? Wasn’t like I had any friends to unexpectedly show up at my place. I was a loner and didn’t do well around most people due to my anxiety.

I swung it open, my eyes widening in horror at the sight of my parents. My parents who had no idea I had three boyfriends. My parents who were extremely protective of me. My parents who I was deathly afraid of finding out about my relationship.

“Noah!” Mom exclaimed, rushing forward to sweep me up into a hug. I was too shocked to hug her back, my arms hanging at my sides, horror twisting my gut. “Oh, my sweet baby boy.” She cupped my cheeks in her hands, running her eyes over me, a beaming smile on her face. “I’ve missed you so much.”

“What—” I cleared my throat, trying not to vomit at the same time. “What are you two doing here?”

“We wanted to surprise you,” Dad said, stepping into my apartment and shutting the door behind him. “You’re always so busy these days. Phone and video calls have been rare. We were worried.”

I was going to throw up. Right there on my entryway floor. At least I hadn’t gotten to clean them yet.

“I, uh, sorry—I’m a little shocked,” I stammered. “Make yourselves at home. I’ll be right back,” I rushed out.

Danny. I needed Danny. Oh, God, what was I going to do?

Once I was in my room with the door shut behind me, I snatched my phone off the charger. With shaky fingers, I pressed Danny’s name and raised my phone to my ear. My chest felt tight—too tight—and I knew it was the first sign of an impending panic attack. I rubbed at it, willing myself not to lose it—not right now. I couldn’t handle that on top of trying to hold down my dinner from last night.

“Hey, baby,” his smooth voice resonated over the line. “What’s up?”

“Danny,” I choked out. I squeezed my eyes shut, sucking in a sharp breath.

“Fuck,” he swore. “Noah? Baby? Breathe, you hear me? Fucking breathe. I need you to be able to tell me what’s going on.”

I heard his keys jiggling and him quickly moving around. Knowing he was already making his way to me without me having to ask settled me a little, and I was able to draw air into my lungs.

“My parents are here,” I whispered, my voice trembling with the strength it took to hold myself together.

“Shit,” he swore. “I’m on my way, okay? Just entertain them until I get there, and I’ll make everything okay again. I swear I will, you hear me?”

“Okay,” I said, my voice soft.

“I love you.”

A small smile tilted my lips. The anxiety in my chest loosened a little more. “I love you, too.”

After hanging up my phone, I pocketed it so I would have it on me and walked out of my room. Mom was making a cup of coffee, and Dad was working on whipping up breakfast. I settled at a barstool, knowing they wouldn’t want me interrupting them.

“Where’s Danny?” Dad asked as he poured the whisked eggs into the frying pan, making it sizzle.

“He’s on his way,” I told them with a smile I didn’t really feel. Hopefully, they wouldn’t be able to tell. Normally, I was excited for my parents to visit, but not now. Not when I was in an unconventional relationship with three men.

“Oh?” Mom asked, a smile tilting her lips. “His parents haven’t heard from him in weeks.”

I barely resisted cringing. I understood why Danny was keeping his space from them. It was hard enough getting them to accept me and him together since they were very Christian and religious, even though they’d eventually come around, wanting to support their son even if they didn’t agree with his decision to be openly gay.

I had a feeling Danny being with two additional men would be too much for them to handle. And I was sure Danny was trying to put off the inevitable for as long as he could, especially since he loved his parents and craved their attention and wanted them to be proud of him.

“That’s weird,” I said because I didn’t know what else to say. Danny’s family matters were his business—not anyone else’s. All I knew was that he refused to give up the happiness he’d found in our foursome. He was determined to keep that happiness at all costs.

Didn’t mean the losses he would endure wouldn’t suck though.

Mom began helping Dad, leaving me to my thoughts. By the time Dad was finishing up breakfast, Danny suddenly burst into the apartment… with Theo and Thomas right behind him. I swallowed thickly, my face paling all while my heart lurched at the sight of my three men.

“Noah,” Danny breathed, coming over to me. He wrapped me up in his arms and squeezed me to him. Then, he cradled my face in his warm hands, his eyes searching my face. “You okay?”