“I love you,” I whispered.

He pressed his lips to my forehead. “I love you, too, baby.”

I ran my fingers through the drying cum on his abdomen. “How hot do you think it would’ve been if our bosses watched us?” We’d had an unhealthy obsession with our bosses since we’d gotten hired two years ago straight out of college. They were sinfully hot, and while so many people painted them as horrible, impossible-to-please men, they were soft and kind with us.

Danny chuckled, but I saw his dick perk up at the thought. I never had as quick of a rebound as he did. I used to be ashamed of it, but Danny never let me feel like less over anything.

Our bosses were twins in their late forties, both of them the CEOs of a Fortune 500 company. They hired both of us with very little experience, giving us a chance no one else seemed ready to do without prior experience outside of internships. The only complaint we had working for them was that Theo and Thomas tended to send us a lot of mixed signals, leaving us confused most of the time. We weren’t sure if they were interested in us or not because they were so hot and cold about it.

And every time Thomas praised me—which he did quite often—my dick took notice. It sure didn’t make things in my mind easier for me to sort through.

“It would’ve been hot as fuck.” Danny sighed. “But a fantasy, unfortunately,” he gently reminded me. I knew he didn’t like it either; he wanted them just as badly as I did. He turned his head and pressed a kiss to my forehead. “Let’s get a shower and come back to bed. I need after-sex cuddles.”

I let him sweep me off the bed into his arms, and I snuggled into him as he carried me into his shower, my arms and legs bound around him.

Even if we never got to be with Thomas and Theo, I would always have Danny. And that would always be enough for me.

As long as I had him, I didn’t need anything else in the world.



I frowned out the sliding glass door that led onto my balcony. The storm was still raging outside, the wind howling. Lightning was streaking through the clouds, and thunder was roaring its rage. I had no idea how Noah and I were expected to drive into work in this. He was already terrified of storms as it was. Driving in one? I wasn’t sure that would be possible.

My phone began ringing in my pocket, and I sighed, pulling it out. Theo’s name was on the screen, and my heart skipped a beat before racing in my chest. Didn’t matter how many times I saw him or how many times he called me, my heart always reacted the same way.

I quickly swiped my thumb across the screen and pulled my phone to my ear.


“Danny, it’s Theo.” Yeah, no shit. Even if his name wasn’t in my phone, I’d know his voice anywhere. Hell, I dreamed of him often enough. “Don’t make the drive into work today. Thomas should be calling Noah shortly. The storm is too bad right now, and it’s not safe for anyone to be driving in, especially you two.”

My heart squeezed in my chest at the especially you two bit. God, why did he have to say things like that and make me hope for more? He was killing me here without even trying.

“Sounds good. I was just looking outside. It’s pretty nasty.”

He grunted in agreement. “It is. Our road is flooded. The drains are blocked by debris, so we can’t leave even if we wanted to.” He was quiet for a moment. “Is is possible for you to do a zoom meeting? I’m not sure if you can remember my planner for what I need to do today, but I need everything virtual or rescheduled.”

“I know it,” I assured him. “I keep your planner with me just in case.”

He chuckled, and the sound warmed me all the way down to my toes. “I knew I made the right choice in hiring you.”

A blush stole over my cheeks, and I turned away from my reflection in the glass doors so I didn’t have to see how much he affected me. “What time for Zoom?” I asked him.

He hummed, and I knew without a doubt that he was glancing at his watch and doing mental calculations. “Let’s get on at nine,” he finally decided. “I’ll let Thomas know so he can let Noah know. Sound good?”

“Sounds good,” I assured him, not bothering to mention that Noah and I were currently at my apartment. Noah and I hadn’t hid our relationship from them, but we hadn’t flaunted it either, so I wasn’t sure if it would be a conflict. “See you virtually in fifteen minutes.”

See you virtually in fifteen minutes?

Jesus Christ.

His chuckle reverberated through the phone before he ended the call. I slapped my hand to my forehead. Noah snickered at me as he ended his phone call with Thomas, no doubt. “See you virtually?” Noah teased.

“Shut up,” I grumbled as I walked into my office to grab my laptop. I set it on the coffee table and booted it up, getting everything ready so I could be set and good to go when Theo got online.

“Want some coffee?” Noah asked from the kitchen.