Page 81 of Ruby Tears

I had to do everything in my power to either stall or sabotage, so I didn’t surrender to the monster inside me.

Looking at Ily out of the corner of my eye, I clung to my tattered self-control.

“So…” I shrugged. “You mentioned rules for your jewels. Are there rules for your guests? Or can I take Ily and do whatever I want?”

Victor shrugged. “Rules are needed for every aspect of life. For ruler and ruled.” Counting on his fingers, he said, “You can hurt her but not kill her. You can fuck her however you want, but if you tear her and put her out of action, you will be fined for every day she can’t service another. You can command her to do whatever you wish, but you must grant her a fifteen-minute break afterward, so she can prepare for the next round.”

“Sounds reasonable.” The words tasted sour. “And can I fuck her bare? I’m assuming she’s clean and won’t carry my spawn?”

Words became droplets of poison, eroding their way through my tongue.

I rubbed at the small hole in my arm where a cool-eyed female doctor had drawn my blood. The stone walls of the castle pressed on me as if I deserved to be in a cage made of rock. A cage that only grew worse the longer I sat in pristine gardens with a perfect slave at my feet.

My eyes strayed to Ily.

I froze as she looked up and glowered.

She no longer looked tortured by electrocution but baptised by it. Flickers of electricity ran in her veins, arcing out and punishing me.

The crackle of awareness between us chose that moment to ignite.

The steady heat and hexing connection.

The sickness drawing me to her.

I felt things.

I felt far too fucking much.

I’d never felt the things she conjured before.

Not for anyone or anything.

I’d spent my lifetime void of emotion.

I supposed loneliness did that to a person.

It nullified hopes, eroded dreams, and smothered life until your heart was dead and empty. However, the way it hurled itself against my ribs the longer I looked at her said it was no longer dead and definitely not empty. The damn thing fucking overflowed.

Victor shifted in his chair. Sunshine bounced off his sunglasses. “She’s clean. And she’s been dosed with contraceptive, like all my jewels. You’re free to partake in any of them that you wish.”

“Great.” I went to stand. “In that case, I’m taking this jewel to my room. I’ll bring her back once I’ve had my fill—”

Victor burst out laughing.

Slapping the table with his palm, he shook his head with another loud snicker. “Oh no, no, no, my naïve friend. New jewels are for everyone to enjoy.”

“But I thought you said—”

“You can have first fuck. You can do whatever you want to her, but you’re not hiding her away behind closed doors. You want to fuck her? You will do it publicly. You will take her until she is sufficiently broken in. Only once she’s surrendered can you enjoy a more private playtime. It’s for your safety as well as hers, you understand.” He grinned. “Besides, part of the fun of breaking them is to watch the breaking. She’s to be displayed so everyone can watch while you do it. Why else do you think I spend such meticulous attention on finding the rarest, prettiest jewels possible? Men and women with degrees and accolades? Girls and boys with blinding bright futures? They glitter the brightest. They glimmer with a certain kind of fire. The moment that fire snuffs out and survival twists into utmost obedience is one of the best moments imaginable.”

His words sank into my gut, corroding with the knowledge that no matter how hard I held on to my humanity.

No matter how quickly Q found us.

No matter what I did to try to protect Ily from myself and these men…

…I would fail.