Page 121 of Ruby Tears

I felt it.

Felt liquid heat soothing the last fiery pain he’d delivered.

Felt moisture easing his entry until the smallest threads of passion unspooled.

God, he felt so powerful, so consuming, so…real.

Sex had never felt this intense with Sam. This all-consuming. This deep.

Not that this was sex.

This was survival…for both of us. With him inside me, I didn’t have the space to feel alone or afraid or fragile.

I felt…safe.

Safe because…I’m not alone.

“I never thought. I didn’t know…” His grunted whispers drifted into nothing as he pressed his forehead to mine and sucked in a tattered breath. He groaned as I shifted my hips, seeking that perfect moment when invasion became completion, where two singles wondrously became one.

Withdrawing a little, he arched back into me.

And there it was.

The snick.

The latch.

The binding.

We felt it at the same time.

That key slipping into place.

The lock falling open.

No more pinch.

No more pain.

Only need.

Joined and connected, surrounded by filth and fear.

His eyes shot silver as he captured a tear he’d missed and moaned as it soaked onto his tongue. His hardness jerked inside me, and we stared at each other, not understanding, not able to comprehend that we could feel this, this…hunger all while surrounded by monsters from hell.

What did that say about him?

What did that say about me?

A cop and a gemmologist.

A boy and girl trapped in horrible circumstance.

Almost as if he suddenly remembered our predicament and the script we were supposed to stick to, his hips shot forward. Stabbing his canines into his lower lip, his forehead furrowed as he drove into me again and again, setting a punishing, relentless rhythm.

My breasts bounced. My ass throbbed against the pole. My cuffs clinked and chains jingled.

It all faded the more he took me. The deeper he took me.