Page 91 of Ruby Tears

Drank me.

And once he’d devoured every tear on that side, he turned my head to lap the other.

He trembled beneath me.

His entire body hard as a mountain but quaking as if any second he’d erupt with brimstone and sulphur.

I didn’t move.

I couldn’t.

The shock of him licking me overrode my panic attack.

Prey instinct screamed to stay absolutely still.

My heart stuttered and hiccupped—far, far too aware of how precarious my life was. How one wrong move could snap the monster currently worshipping me with his strangely devoted violence.

I hated that his tongue was gentle.

I hated that his touch was kind.

And it scrambled my heart because the way he held me ached with tenderness, all while the reason he licked me reeked with depravity.

His head dipped, his tongue following the track of previous tears that’d rolled down my neck.

I flinched as he licked my collarbone.

I snapped.

With both hands, I shoved his chest and tumbled off his lap. “Let go of me!”

My suddenness gave me the advantage. I scrambled away from him as fast as I could, my knees burning on the William Morris carpet, my cheeks blazing that he could see every piece of me.

Tripping to my feet, I bared my teeth and backed away. “Don’t you ever do that again.” My voice mimicked the wafer-thin pages of a desecrated Bible. The translucent parchment that held ten commandments that everyone in this castle ignored.

Wiping his mouth, Henri climbed to his feet.

He swayed before bracing himself and balling his hands. His short dark hair gleamed from the skylight. His slightly hollow cheeks cast shadows along his stern jaw.

For a moment, it looked as if he’d stalk out of the library and leave, but then he gritted his teeth and prowled toward me.

His eyes locked on mine beneath furrowed brows.

I stumbled back.

But he just kept coming.

Kept closing the distance between us until I crashed against a shelf holding a thousand books, and his hands slammed on either side of my head, caging me in.

His nostrils flared as he towered over me.

My heart drummed against my ribs, petrified, angry, full of hate and heat.

He didn’t speak.

He pursed his lips, shook his head, and looked as if he held an entire conversation in his mind before bowing over me and nudging his nose to mine.

I tried to get away, but the books behind me kept me prone.